Team and hedgehogs' names generator

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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It seems to have quite few names. When you create a team, there is quite big chance to have two hedgehogs with assigned the same name. I think that there should be much more names, they also should be more creative and funny (as they are in Worms).

I also thik that the appearing names shoud be moved to the translations, so that they could appear in the player's language.

How do you like it? Smile

Star and Moon
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I added a bunch of names into the generator about a month ago,
There was about 6 before I added probably over 100 names to it. Download the file in the link below and then in your Hedgewars folder go to share/hedgewars/data/names and replace the file generic with the one in the link so you'll have a bunch of good, bad, funny, and ridiculous names to generate.
I don't have a translation thing though

User offline. Last seen 12 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 11

The dependence on the translation probably requires changes made by dev team. However, it should be quite easy to introduce, co I'm counting on developers Smile

And some more names? Thanks Big Grin

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