suggestion: hedgewars placement mode
Wed, 2010-08-11 10:23
hedgewars placement mode is nice, but some players may find the order of taking turns unfair (even when it's randomly generated). therefore i suggest a new mode: blind placement. in this mode all players start placing their hedges simultaneously while they do not see where enemies placed theirs. once all players are finished with placement the hedgies are actually moved to their spots. in case that hedge cannot be placed to a spot because it's already taken by other hedge it can placed on top (let him fall down without fall damage enabled).
This is a good idea, but some people might prefer to keep the other placement mode too.
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the idea is to keep the old one as well
Right now existing placement works by "hiding" the hedgehogs so they don't collide or move, then "unhiding" them after teleport.
In order for this to work you could do the final "unhiding" after all hedgehogs were placed.
You'd also have to add a special case though, so the mouse/crosshair would not show on remote machines, unless you just wanted to count on people not remembering where those clicks happened.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
you would probably have to remove the cross hair.
But this is a great idea!
Style is spelled style not stile.
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