No wind meter.. timer... and team health bars

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Ok so i thought it was just a normal thing to not have the stuff at the bottom of the screen but then i installed hedgewars on my netbook (runs amazing on this little netbook, very impressed) and i seen all the stuff in it... i was shocked and pleasantly surprised.

so anyway, my main desktop PC....

ubuntu linux 10.10 x64, alpha 3.
intel 3.0ghz core2duo (dont remember the chip name)
8gb ram
geforce gtx 460

my drivers work fine for the graphics card, i dont get any errors in hedgewars that i know of ... aaand the game plays fine (other than the fact that i cant see any network games on it but i think thats because i'm using the source from the server to try 0.9.14.

anyway, is there any way to uninstall it? i built it using cmake . make and make install .. works fine but i want to see if the version in the repositories shows it properly on this system or not (i THINK i tried it before and it didn't, but for completeness i'd like to try).

User offline. Last seen 14 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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delete all files related to it, and download the prebuilt version.

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xJimiaMx allegedly wrote:

Ok so i thought it was just a normal thing to not have the stuff at the bottom of the screen but then i installed hedgewars on my netbook (runs amazing on this little netbook, very impressed) and i seen all the stuff in it... i was shocked and pleasantly surprised.

so anyway, my main desktop PC....

ubuntu linux 10.10 x64, alpha 3.
intel 3.0ghz core2duo (dont remember the chip name)
8gb ram
geforce gtx 460

my drivers work fine for the graphics card, i don't get any errors in hedgewars that i know of ... aaand the game plays fine (other than the fact that i cant see any network games on it but i think that's because I'm using the source from the server to try 0.9.14.

anyway, is there any way to uninstall it? i built it using cmake . make and make install .. works fine but i want to see if the version in the repositories shows it properly on this system or not (i THINK i tried it before and it didn't, but for completeness I'd like to try).

Is it on full screen?
if isn't the stuff might be of the bottom of the screen.

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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If your resolution is at what is your fullscreen resolution, make sure you have both fullscreen and frontend fullscreen enabled.

Thanks Cairo, hadn't thought of that!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Spoon allegedly wrote:

If your resolution is at what is your fullscreen resolution, make sure you have both fullscreen and frontend fullscreen enabled.

Thanks Cairo, hadn't thought of that!

man, i can't believe it was that simple i removed all the source code folders and everything, typed hedgewars in my terminal, it opened up and i thought i'd try to "fullscreen" checkbox and sure enough theres all that stuff.

wonder why it doesnt work without being checked fullscreen? since technically 1920x1200 is 1920x1200 whether "fullscreen" or not am i wrong? would that be a bug or what?

btw thanks to both of you Smile

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xJimiaMx allegedly wrote:

Spoon allegedly wrote:

If your resolution is at what is your fullscreen resolution, make sure you have both fullscreen and frontend fullscreen enabled.

Thanks Cairo, hadn't thought of that!

man, i can't believe it was that simple i removed all the source code folders and everything, typed hedgewars in my terminal, it opened up and i thought i'd try to "fullscreen" checkbox and sure enough theres all that stuff.

wonder why it doesnt work without being checked fullscreen? since technically 1920x1200 is 1920x1200 whether "fullscreen" or not am i wrong? would that be a bug or what?

btw thanks to both of you Smile

That's all right. I had that problem at one point and it took a while before I worked out the problem.

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Its actually really weird that that fixed it for you, formerly we thought that that was only applicable in Windows system. It is a bug, but not fixable by people at Hedgewars. Its due to the priorities of the GFX card.

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thats weird how its unfixable by the hedgewars folks but whatever. and yeah i'm using linux so its definitely not only windows issues. either way, it makes the game a lot more enjoyable to me being able to see the wind other than judging how fast by the clouds hehe.

thanks again

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When it is not fullscreen there is title bar which takes up space and a taskbar
so you're not seeing everything but you can move the windows around. so it's not the bug. When you would choose the lower resolution everything would be shown properly. do not set window resolution as high as your desktop resolution because these things happen Smile

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if i had a lower resolution to play at i would, i dont feel like editing my metamodes, i've got two monitors and they're both different resolutions... and the metamodes section isn't exactly clear at this point. either way i'm fine w/ playing at fullscreen or not at all. The title bar thing makes sense to me, but i wonder if thered be a way to make it 1920x1200 over top of all the other stuff rather than having the title bar and being limited in moving like it is where i cant move it on top of my applications/places/system bar up top.

but no problems, just limited functionality brought upon by linux and its monitor settings and everything i suppose. i'd love to help get stuff changed in this department if the devs need any help or even want to try to. Personally i think being limited to one resolution without editing my xorg.conf stinks but it is what it is.

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xJimiaMx allegedly wrote:

thats weird how its unfixable by the hedgewars folks but whatever. and yeah i'm using linux so its definitely not only windows issues. either way, it makes the game a lot more enjoyable to me being able to see the wind other than judging how fast by the clouds hehe.

thanks again

If I understand the problem...

One thing we'd have to do would be to make sure the game works correctly when the resolution is changed mid-game. koda might be more familiar w/ this from the iphone case, but I don't know if that was done generically.
We'd then have to allow setting an arbitrary resolution for windowed mode, w/ a default that would perhaps be derived from the window system.

Right now, one resolution is for both windowed and fullscreen, so you can switch back and forth during the game.

The list of valid resolutions SDL provides come from X11 - which appears to get wrong values w/ nvidia and multi-monitor.

Thus the meta mode thing.

I'm not really sure if SDL will allow a fullscreen app to use a resolution that isn't in that list, I guess I should try hardcoding a deliberately invalid one and seeing what happens.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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