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aliennetwork's picture
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I know this has been asked be, but I can't find it.

How do you change the controls? This cross hand controls don't do it for me. I would like WASD, the rest is OK.

If there is no way to change the controls, why the hell not?!?!? Deagle! Aghh

szczur's picture
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In the team settings, there's a tab called Advanced Settings. You can change the controls from there.

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

aliennetwork's picture
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o'reily?? Lemme give it a look. In my search for an answer, I found out my 360 controller will work. I'mma give that a go tonight.

aliennetwork's picture
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Thanks you very much. Now for some reason I want to press ^ < V > hahaha

Cairo's picture
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?? I don't understand. ??

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Smaxx's picture
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Cursor keys ... despite now knowing how to use ASDF. Wink Smiley

aliennetwork's picture
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I was saying now that I have WASD for aim/more, my fingers still want to use Up, Down, Left, Right arrows. All the time using default move/aim I would always find myself pushing WASD, now just the reverse.

Muscle Memory I guess.

Cairo's picture
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Ah, I get it now.

Style is spelled style not stile.
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User offline. Last seen 12 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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This doesn't seem to work for me. I changed a lot of the key mappings but it's still using the default keys. Any ideas why it's not working?

nemo's picture
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dude8604 allegedly wrote:

This doesn't seem to work for me. I changed a lot of the key mappings but it's still using the default keys. Any ideas why it's not working?

My guess is you are using Quick Game which uses a default team with default settings.

If you aren't playing online, but are using custom keys, you need to go to the button that looks like this:

You'll also need to create one or more AI teams to play against. I suggest setting the AI to max for a decent challenge Smile

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