inu's Hedgewars sugestion list
Sun, 2010-09-19 14:29
Note: This thread is being used to store ideas that come to mind while playing\exploring Hedgewars that might come in handy in the future. It keeps the forums clean and my ideas well sorted.
Suggestions that got (directly or indirectly) implemented in the upcoming version (0.9.19)
+ Rework the frontend. Some menus fail to fit properly\comfortably in a 1024x600 screen and feel cluttered at 1366x768 res. (This one has no easy fix, the frontend will have to be rebuilt someday)
Old suggestions not yet considered
- Fix the rope behavior. Currently if you grapple the rope to a box, and pick it up, the rope stays there, grappled to... nothingness... The ideal fix would be to immediately remove detach the rope on picking up the box, keeping all the momentum.
- Password protected rooms (no more annoying invisible rooms that don't allow us to join our friends easily!) (Red\Yellow padlock icon?)
- Players with no teams added to the game (just waiting to spectate) shouldn't need to press the "READY!" light bulb. This would also need to send a 10sec visual (and probably audible) warning to everyone in the room in case someone is not ready but has a team selected to play. (Yeah, I spectate a lot)
- Add a 4th field above the Hedgys heads with the members account name so we know which team belongs to whom -OR- when pressing ESCape it would also be a good idea to list all the players that are "Currently Playing" in that room like: "inu as inu's team one" and the "Spectators" too
- Be able to control the sound volume of the frontend too (of just make it lower by default), its way too loud as it is.
- Clean up all the "join" and "left" messages on joining the server and decrease the lobby chat area to 10 lines of text or less minimum.
- Add information on the players list (an icon next to the hog or similar) letting players know which platform the game is being played from!
- Having a shortcut to turn on\off the music (ONLY, not the sound effects too) ingame would be REALLY useful.
- The frontend could be minimized to a tray icon when a game is occurring.
- Make the sound shortcuts ([9] and [0] by default) a little less sensitive and the unit always 2.
- Add a small "timer-like(?)" information about the zoom to the top right corner. This lets players know what's the current zoom. Example "+2" or "-40%" and nothing when it's on the default zoom level.
- The front-end should offer the user the possibility to automatically try to join nemo's "backup server" in case the main one is down.
---> The discussion regarding planing for a new UI has been "moved" here.
+ Simple tutorial mission to teach newcomers how to used double-jumps, all the weapons, etc...
I think someone was working on one of those...
+ Decrease the grenade max damage from 50 to 49 or less.
Or prevent throwing grenades into hogs.
+ Password protected rooms (no more silly invisible rooms!) (Red\Yellow padlock icon?)
IMO private rooms should still exist - just to avoid cluttering up space. So don't think restrict joins should go away.
+ Players with no teams added for the game (just waiting to spectate) shouldn't need to press the "READY!" light bulb^
This one I definitely wouldn't want someone to change, since sometimes people are selecting a team. I launch a game when everyone says they are ready - I assume they are a spectator if they didn't add a team.
+ Having a shortcut to turn on\off the music would be really useful.
Agreed. Personally, I use the app mute option in gnome sound preferences right now.
+ Short description of the server current mode on the Quit screen (mines time, turn time, crate drop frequency, turns needed for sudden death...)
Errr. Wasn't this done already?
+ The frontend could be minimized to a tray icon when a game is occurring.
That one was tried. Had some compatibility problems.
+ Add a weapon that cuts the target HP in half. (like a "Tombery's Knife" [from the Final Fantasy series])
Probably overlaps w/ hammer.
+ You can grapple yourself with the rope to crates and other hedgehogs.
+ If a mine explodes close to the place where the rope is grappled and the terrain is destroyed around that same rope... nothing happens. Example:
Well, I personally like the behaviour, and there is already a thread on those, but it looks like unC0Rr would accept a properly written patch. In the existing thread on it, his objection was he felt the patch didn't properly handle the issue.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
@ Nemo
Regarding the
+ Password protected rooms (no more silly invisible rooms!) (Red\Yellow padlock icon?)
issue, wouldn't it be more simple just to add a filter to show only non-locked rooms and\or sort the rooms by status by default, leaving locked rooms at the bottom?
I found this especially annoying as sometimes I wanna join or spectate friends rooms and just can't because the don't show up in the list.
+ Players with no teams added for the game (just waiting to spectate) shouldn't need to press the "READY!" light bulb
I find it that it is not that uncommon that people just join and do nothing for a while and\or were spectating but then forget about it or "fall asleep" and then forget their team there (even tho this can be fixed with a kick).
Now that I think of it... what about a "Not all players are ready yet. Are you sure you want to continue?"?
+ Short description of the server current mode on the Quit screen (mines time, turn time, crate drop frequency, turns needed for sudden death...)
This is partially done. You get the main rules if you press ESC but not the mines time, turn time, crate drop frequency, turns needed for sudden death, etc.
Regarding the rope bugs, well, I'm just asking to fix the ones that literally make the game look bad and unfinished.
Mines time is in. Turntime is rather obvious the instant you start moving, turns for sudden death is announced the instant the game starts.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Suggestions updated! (had to be done, is out!)
Added quite a few ones that came to mind lately, removed the old ones that were added to the last version and crossed the ones that were fixed on .15-dev.
A few might be quite interesting, like a new way to check who's who on a currently ongoing game that we just joined to spectate or just forgot who's who; sort the game server list or the huge cleanup to the chat area of the online-game-lobby.
Small update, mostly removing the suggestions that got implemented on .15 and making the other ones easier to understand.
I'll keep an eye on this in the next days.
sheepluva <- me
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a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
Feel free to comment\discuss or use any idea you want in any way.

They're here for reference anyway, and I'll keep updating them every time something new comes to mind as usual.
A lot of the suggestions I had here were actually included in .16, the most useful one is probably the in-game chat improvements. Many thanks to whoever fixed the chat!!!
So I did a huge cleanup, also removing 1 suggestion I don't think it was needed anymore.
It's a shame that the rope problem is back tho...
no idea what you mean by the rope problem, and you didn't answer in IRC.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
« Problem from 2011 "solved" »
Wohow! Thanks Koda!
Now; if only i could find that Christmas song again... already got linked to it twice and ended up losing it by accident again. :P
This issue was promptly closed by koda, so I'll just add it here so I don't forget about this when I'm creating my own personal edition of Hedgewars 0.9.19 (already had to do the same with .18 anyway), since I'm the only person that likes to run stuff from flash drives. So move along, nothing to see in this post in particular.
What problem are you currently facing?
At the moment, Hedgewars is already pretty "portable".
But it can be taken much further.
How do you think the situation should be improved?
1. Instead of a Data folder with all the resources inside, include a file. This not only saves a "considerable amount" of space (18.5MB last time I checked on a NTFS system default 4k sector size) but It also (considerably in some cases) decreases the time it takes to move the game to, and read the game from nand flash memory.
2. Be able to setup the config dir directly from the frontend instead of having to use --config-dir parameter. There's a lot of space now for new options.2. Have the engine quickly check for the availability of a "path.ini" in the same directory of the game. It's easier to use than a parameter since most windows users don't have to deal with command lines, and it doesn't require any frontend changes.
3? Would also be nice to get a hold of Armagon's uncompressed voice files. The new Opus codec seems to work especially beautifully with voice, allowing for much smaller files at quite sometimes even higher quality. This would require a lot of other things I understand, but this part is of less relevance in this whole portabilization thing (Even tho I guess it would help a whole lot the Mobile version of Hedgewars). Last time I checked, converting the current files to wav and then to opus saved around 20+MB
Correction. It was closed by koda.
If you want to see the text. No need to repeat discussion in 2 places.
The issue isn't going to go away or anything.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Yeah, that was my mistake. :P
But the post did say "ppl can move along", it's just a personal post in a place i check frequently, and I hardly ever check googlecode for these things.