hegdewars for android

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is this game going to be released on android if you can do it for the i groan you can do it for android

Inu's picture
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Developing for separate platforms takes quite some time and a lot of work, tho from what I understood from previous topics and stuff, that there is interest in porting the game for iPhone and to Android devices next.

Also, money is needed to buy the Android device to develop to. Which takes a while just from donations and iPad sales.

nemo's picture
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There's also the problem of whether or not the tools to make the port exist.
Last I checked you have to implement the app in Dalvik for Android.

Apple has no such restriction.

And if that has been lifted there is still the issue of dealing w/ the zoo of Android HW out there that make cross-compiling a much iffier proposition.

And this is assuming the prequisites like SDL and OpenGL are even in place.

Maemo/N900 is much more likely.

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Android is just growing bigger and bigger (I think..). At some point there has to be an Android version of Hedgewars. Big Grin

Let's just keep the hope up and maybe some day there will be a developer who's willing to take on this. Smile

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I could do it for free (or on a donation base, if wished), but first after I've finished my two another (paid-)android-games, which contains 98% with-freepascal-compilable object pascal code and 2% java wrapper code, for native-JNI-objpas-code-loading, android-UI-event-to-native-code-redirecting, opengl es context creationand nativecode-audiobuffer-to-android-java-audio-api-redirection. My small android patch for the FreePascal compiler (or better for the arm-linux FPC RTL) is already since months in the offical FPC SVN trunk. Here the condition: But in return i do want detailed information for freepascal+iPad/iPhone/iOS crosscompiling, so that I can port one of my both (paid-)android-game to the iOS platform.

A N900 port is also no problem of my side, see my FPC bugtracker entries due to the Nokia/N900 platform.

I've four android devices (HTC Dream (too weak HW for current fast games), Motorola Milestone (a solid good game-capable device, due to the PowerVR SGX 530 GPU), Google Nexus One (a averaged good game-capable device, but the Adreno 200 GPU is not so fast) and the Samsung Galaxy S I9000 (a perfect game-capable device, due to the very very fast PowerVR SGX 540 GPU)) and a Nokia N900, which has like the Motorola Milestone a PowerVR SGX 530 GPU.

So contact me if any interest is there: benjamin [a7] rosseaux [d0t] com

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BeRo allegedly wrote:

So contact me if any interest is there: benjamin [a7] rosseaux [d0t] com

hi & welcome,
of course we are interested, do you think you could drop by our IRC channel so we can discuss the details?


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Unfortunately I have not a lot of time, but if BeRo is available I can help him in developing and testing. I'll try to contact him.

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Any news about this?

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Um. Its added to the offcial summer of code wishlist, so yeah.

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Inu allegedly wrote:

Developing for separate platforms takes quite some time and a lot of work, tho from what I understood from previous topics and stuff, that there is interest in porting the game for iPhone and to Android devices next.

Also, money is needed to buy the Android device to develop to. Which takes a while just from donations and iPad sales.

Android SDK is free?

Hedgewars ported to cell phone would be totally epic! Smile

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I heard a rumor that one of the devs got a Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Is that true and does that increase the chance for an android port any soon? Smile

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-jay- allegedly wrote:

I heard a rumor that one of the devs got a Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Is that true and does that increase the chance for an android port any soon? Smile

I heard no such thing so that one was probably made up.
Even if was true, that wouldn't necessarily increase the chance for such port at all, sorry.

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Hey, i am a droid user, there's any hedgewars for android currently finished???

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Funny how many android users ask that, but nonetheless, this has not resulted in any port assistance.

Personally, I have no android devices test or develop on, and no incentive to attempt a port. And unlike the iphone, android devices are a wide and varied bunch. I understand some progress has been made on identifying cross-compile tools, but I don't think anyone has even managed to get hwengine to run on an android device yet, much less do a frontend.

Buuut koda went and posted that as one possible GSoC project, so perhaps some enterprising student will step forward to do this.

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if there's a J2ME version, there's android version, it's just j2me apks
Smile Get a Nexus one

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No J2ME version either. What's needed is fpc crosscompiling and ported opengl/SDL

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I don't know if it can help, but I found this site on the internet. Smile

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Hedgewars script for ubuntu is here...but maybe I have to update it first Smile

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daimadoshi85 allegedly wrote:

I don't know if it can help, but I found this site on the internet. Smile

No, not really. That would require a full port and rewrite.
And future porting to keep it in sync.

Right now the iphone uses same engine as OSX/Linux/BSD/Windows

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fpc crosscompilation on arm works, and some freepascal games were reported to work on android
sdl and its satellites are avaiable and reported to work as well
qt for android is there, much a native frontend would be much more apreciated

afaik, the work for porting hw on android is just someone willing to spend a lot of time on it and mantain the port


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Hi, there.
I'm Marian, and I want to make the portability of hedgehogs for android platform through Gsoc. Big Grin
I've just finished a course at school about android developing, and this seems quite an interesting oportunity to apply what I have learned on a real project.
pm me.

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BMCspecter allegedly wrote:

Hi, there.
I'm Marian, and I want to make the portability of hedgehogs for android platform through Gsoc. Big Grin
I've just finished a course at school about android developing, and this seems quite an interesting oportunity to apply what I have learned on a real project.
pm me.

Hi and welcome!
Why don't you join us on IRC so that we can further discuss your application? Smile


apoc's picture
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I know that this is not the right thread, but since a lot of development has been done on Android, cant the same be done on other mobile platforms such as Windows Phone 7. there arent many open source codes for working in XNA 4.0 framework as such & this could be a great step forward in mobile development.

Kindly let me know if I could be of any help which would help me deal with Real -world projects through GSoC.

Inu's picture
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If there's is a "big step" to be made, it's probably going to be a full conversion of the engine code to C so everyone feels more comfortable developing around\with it.

Android has a *way* bigger user base, and well... plus Google even selected Hedgewars for their GSoC 2011, so I wouldn't really expect anything Windows Phone related until there is a fully functional and polished version for Android phones first. :P

nemo's picture
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I find it hard to believe that porting to C would help that much. The differences between the pascal hedgewars uses and C are not large, so any non-lazy person could figure out the differences in 5 minutes of study, for the most part.

If anyone says that is beyond them, then I question how much help they would actually be.

The *only* argument I can see for porting to C is to simplify cross-compiling and SDL bindings.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Make it easier to port to all kind of devices?
Finally join the frontend and the engine together in a single application?
Users are usually more familiar with C than with Pascal?

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Inu allegedly wrote:

Make it easier to port to all kind of devices?

As I said, that was the only reason.

Inu allegedly wrote:

Finally join the frontend and the engine together in a single application?

Still possible to do without C - iphone is a single application without that.

Inu allegedly wrote:

Users are usually more familiar with C than with Pascal?

As I said, irrelevant due to trivial differences between, for any reasonably competent dev. Also, you must have a different conception of users.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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Since both C and FP aren't Java, there isn't much of a difference when porting to android I guess.
There are of course still some arguments in favor of switching languages (as well as some against), but you guys are going off-topic :P

Maybe you want to continue your battle in one of the following threads:
Has anyone used a ¨Pascal to C translator¨?
Why not C++?
Why is Hedgewars written in two programming languages?
or create a new one :P

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Ok, back on topic!
+1 for Android port! Big Grin

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apoc allegedly wrote:

I know that this is not the right thread, but since a lot of development has been done on Android, cant the same be done on other mobile platforms such as Windows Phone 7. there arent many open source codes for working in XNA 4.0 framework as such & this could be a great step forward in mobile development.

Kindly let me know if I could be of any help which would help me deal with Real -world projects through GSoC.

Hello, last time i checked, windows phone7 didn't allow native code and you were forced to use only c# code with their sdk. If this has changed, you are more than welcome to submit a gsoc application with this task.

Inu allegedly wrote:

If there's is a "big step" to be made, it's probably going to be a full conversion of the engine code to C so everyone feels more comfortable developing around\with it.

i'll go along nemo and say that if a programmer cannot understand the *very* simple syntax differences between pascal and C you'd better not submit any patch at all. The only use of a C engine would be more portability and that's pretty much it.

Inu allegedly wrote:

Android has a *way* bigger user base, and well...

that's debatable but we both are biased on either opinion, and it is not a plus reason

back on topic
we're having a lot of gsoc students intersted in the android work, so a port is more likely than ever


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Pascal and C are the very first 2 languages taught, is there really "anyone" that never tried them out?
But if you don't want me to submit anything I can grant you that wish...

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Inu allegedly wrote:

Pascal and C are the very first 2 languages taught, is there really "anyone" that never tried them out?
But if you don't want me to submit anything I can grant you that wish...

i was speaking impersonally (no message directed to you) and i edited the message to better reflect it

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please ;;)
pretty pleeeaaaaaaaazzeeeeee compile this game for android, it's the only one i play and would play on my phone
it's the only thing i'm missing for this game...

please Big Grin

please Big Grin

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any news?
was this project abandoned? Sad Smiley

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Um, have you checked the Marketplace lately?
also, http://code.google.com/p/hedgewars/source/list?name=hedgeroid

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so... again... has this project been abandoned?

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TTV, contact Richard and Simeon from the About page. I'd certainly like last summer's work integrated.
If you can find out from them their availability or lack thereof, would be nice.
If it has been abandoned, and you want to take over, Richard/Xeli would be the person to talk to about getting the key.
It might be necessary to create a new marketplace app if he's unresponsive.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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