Hedgewars-iOS version control

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Koda's picture
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Hedgewars-iOS 1.0, available 16/09/2010 [submitted 03/09]
* between 0.9.13 and 0.9.14
- first public version

Hedgewars-iOS 1.0.1, available 28/09/2010 [sumbmitted 19/09]
* between 0.9.13 and 0.9.14 (50 commits after)
- fixed the British voicepack and other minor bugs
- new theme: City
- simplified creation for AI-controlled teams
- voicepacks now have a preview feature
- reduced size footprint

Hedgewars-iOS 1.1, available 29/10/2010 [submitted 21/10]
* almost 0.9.14
- iPad VGA Output
- automatic savestates
- new cocoa weapons menu
- support for mission maps
- lots of under the hood changes
- more careful memory handling and optimizations

Hedgewars-iOS 1.2, available 10/12/2010 [submitted 29/11]
* a couple of commits after
- iPhone and iPod Touch support
- once again, memory handling completely rewritten for maximum stability
- new exciting themes, awesome weapons and cool game modes

Hedgewars-iOS 1.2.1, available 20/10/2010 [submitted 15/12]
* after main source refactoring
- multitasking support
- retina display support
- improved controls and options
- bugfix and new contents

Hedgewars-iOS 1.2.2, available 05/01/2011 [submitted 31/12]
* after 0.9.15 release
- fixed the grave bug that shortened game duration
- added a new stat page at the end of the match
- new theme: Christmas
- winter themes now have real snow falling

Hedgewars-iOS 1.2.3, available 22/02/2011 [submitted 19/02]
* after 0.9.15 release
- updated toolchain (freepascal) and libraries (sdl) that we use to build Hedgewars
- a lot of polishing, bug hunting and fixing
- you can now make screenshots while in game

Hedgewars-iOS 1.3, available 03/09/2011 [submitted 30/08]
* near 0.9.16 release
- lots of under the hood changes, with complete rewrite of several classes
- new contents and themes, such as Golf and Island
- games can be restored automatically in case of unexpected end
- frontend finally has sound
- SDL and Freepascal updates
* increased minimum iOS version to 4.0

Hedgewars-iOS 1.3.1, available 16/09/2011 [submitted 14/09]
* almost 0.9.16 release
- fix the screen size on retina display devices

Hedgewars-iOS 1.3.2, available ? [submitted 25/09]
* a couple of commits after 0.9.16
- restored multitasking functionality
- improved retina display support
- added a new game mode and a new map
- implemented proper audio caching
- minor usability changes

Koda's picture
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Cairo's picture
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Awesome work Koda! Cake!

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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What Did you Use for the IPad Version? Have you used some game engine or have done everything from scratch?

Is all the source Available on the Repository? What Do I need to recompile it?

nemo's picture
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All the source is on the repo. The dependancies are basically the same as for building any version of hedgewars except for requiring Xcode and the iphone SDK instead of the Qt dependancies.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Koda's picture
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wagenheimer allegedly wrote:

What Did you Use for the IPad Version? Have you used some game engine or have done everything from scratch?

Is all the source Available on the Repository? What Do I need to recompile it?

Everything is in the repository, you need to have all sdl libraries, the fpc toolchain and other minor libs (like lua, vorbis and freetype)

you can get more advice if you join us in irc Smile

Koda's picture
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1.1 approved \o/

Koda's picture
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1.2 on the AppStore with full iPhone/iPodTouch support

startrekhog's picture
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This game seems to be having problems. It keeps on crashing once I get to the battle, so I haven't done much with it yet. It's on the new 4th generation iPod. Please help?

Koda's picture
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unfortunately i haven't tested hw on ipod 4 gen so it may have less memory than expected
i have submitted version 1.2.1 that fixes that issue, i hope it makes it in time before the appstore review team goes on holiday.......

bowja's picture
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It's nice to be able to blow up enemies with your exploding cake on your phone at dull adult parties.

Confucius says: "Man who run in front of car get tired, but man who run behind car, get exhausted."

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