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User offline. Last seen 14 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-09-26
Posts: 2

HI, I´ve had problems connecting to the server for the last 3 days. Actually it doesn´t connect at all. I´m on mac. I don´t have problems with internet. No program is blocking the game.

thanks for your advice

User offline. Last seen 12 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-05-27
Posts: 27

the server is down atm

Palewolf sheepluva: heh, havent noticed your donate button before
sheepluva Palewolf: is more of a "for science!" thing
Palewolf sheepluva: you know, one could do a lot more money if you pulled out a photo of a hedgehog and said you would eat it unless you get 10k dollars
sheepluva lol
Sdw195 heh
sheepluva well, as I said. it's more of a science thing
Sdw195 no eat if it he got 10k dollars
sheepluva I don't expect to get more than $1 this year
sheepluva max
sheepluva xD
Sdw195 heh
Palewolf sheepluva: your loss, my way you get to get at least one decent meal XD
Sdw195 hahha
Sdw195 rolf
sheepluva Palewolf: good point.. hmmmmmmm

thecoa's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-10-25
Posts: 4

why is it down so long ?
Please, anyone with some info, it would be really fair to users to let them know why and when is it gonna be up again ?


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