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I have seen there are different lanuages, and been wondering how can i change the game to one of them. I also offer to make a hungarian translation if someone explains how to do it. ( or at least the .qm files... )

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look in your Data/Locale, you'll find all the localization files.
For the frontend you'll need Qt Linguist to modify the qm files, while for the frontend you need to add a .txt file for you language.

If you need further help come in our irc Wink Smiley

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Koda allegedly wrote:

look in your Data/Locale, you'll find all the localization files.
For the frontend you'll need Qt Linguist to modify the qm files, while for the frontend you need to add a .txt file for you language.

If you need further help come in our irc Wink Smiley

I downloaded the QT SDK, but not really getting the hang of this QT Linguist stuff. If you'd go more in details as how to make the new language, it would be appretiated! Smile (Also how to see it work. Do i have to recompile the whole game?)

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You shouldn't need to download the SDK just to add a language.

The Qt linguist tool is standalone.

I've added:

Which you can use as input to Qt Linuist

To test your results, you'll want to copy the hedgewars_hu.qm output of Qt Linguist to Locale on one of the nightly builds, along with hu.txt

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I downloaded the SDK anyway, 'cause i'm interested in the QT system, saw it some other places too... Smile

I successfully created the hu.qm file and some days ago the hu.txt too. However, the ingame texts containing characters: á,é,í,ö,ó,ő,ü,ú,ű look wrong. Do you have any suggestions as to which chars to use instead, or shall i try to find them manually?

I will be ready with them soon, i think.

Edit: I just found out the text should be in UTF-8 format, and no problem. Where do i send the finished translation files?

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Feel free to link to the files here, or in IRC, or post a bug on google code.
Can also e-mail 'em - e-mail addresses are on the credits page in the client.

Also, please don't create hu.txt in notepad - aside from character encoding, it has a bad habit of starting the file w/ a BOM.

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