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User offline. Last seen 14 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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great Game but now: how to modify Wink Smiley

the first step - build and run on win - is done.

the next question:
does exist an architectural/conceptional overview of the different parts of hedgewars?

I would like to add/change a few things for myself and maybe share code if successful.

but the code lacks of documetation Wink Smiley and at the moment i do not understand how the different parts work together and how the resposibilities are distributed.

if there is some doc, please give me a short advise.


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User offline. Last seen 13 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Only what you're able to find on this web page, the google code wiki and the "docs" folder (most insite that folder is in russian only though).

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User offline. Last seen 51 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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well the desktop version is split in two different executables, each in its own directory
QTfronted contains sources for hedgewars.exe, it's the main frontend from which you can configure teams, weapons, maps and so on, it also sets up network connection with the engine
hedgewars contains source for hwengine.exe, it's the graphical engine and input handler, acts a slave for the frontend commands

i know there's very little documentations (and even less code comments) but the structure should be quite easy to follow, so even it might sound boring, i suggest that you start from the main functions (main.cpp and hwengine.pas) and start reading debugging Wink Smiley

for further help/questions please visit us in our irc chat Smile

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