SIGN UP & DEMO - ShoppaKingTournament
The ShoppaKing tournament staff wishes to you all to have an awesome christmas!
wolfmarc, Blue and Dragonfly
ShoppaKing Tournament it's OVER!
and of course we have a winner:
second place goes to wolfmarc
3rd place to Lalo
I want to say thanks to you all:
1. nik93
2. wolfmarc
3. Cairo
4. Johann
5. mrock
6. Sir TToby
7. n00b
8. d****o
9. BHW[NZ]
10. Spartans
11. Sektor
12. Rozum-cz
13. Blue
14. Castell
15. Magik_18l
16. Dragonfly
17. Blitzmerker
18. Famax
19. Lalo
20. Dj.LisT
21. stars1
22. WildWolf
23. Latinhedge
24. Worschtweck
25. Randy
26. Octacore
27. roli
28. siniy
29. Justinn
30. kr3ved
31. Jeż
32. MiSsEd
33. Nico _ O
34. .hedgekiller.
35. Kiofspa
36. vord
37. Dudeson
38. Morgantar
39. lez
40. Amoedo
41. bladr
42. Vamp
43. LMAO
44. tribo
45. leftandright
46. Meir
I want to thank all the people that helped me and made this tournament possible I'm talking about 2 dear friends Blue and Dragonfly!
additional thanks to Dj.List and N8TheGr8.
In the next release of hedgewars winners will have their personal prize: their name forever printed in the following maps: ShoppaKing and Trophy Race
Games are over but...... We are planning and working on a last thing a really funny video made by the hedgehogs for you all, I'm sure you'll like it! So stay tuned on this thread!!
Hello guys! Here we are to the FINALS! Congratulations to Castell and Lalo and wolfmarc!! You guys are the finalists!! Alright this step It's like a little tournament; you have to play each other and you'll get the score for each match that you'll win, who will collect more points will win this ShoppaKing tournament, here's the leader board Good Luck guys!!
wolfmarc and Blue
ShoppaKing news
Here we are again to talk about this tournament prizes. Yesterday night Hedgewars .14 has been released, well on it you'll find two new maps ( TrophyRace and ShoppaKing) these are the prizes of this tournament for you all guys, plus on the trophies inside the map we will print forever the names of the winners, sadly just in .15.
Hope you guys liked our idea. Be remembered forever in a map.. not that bad :P
peace and flowers,
Here we are in the semi-finals, good luck to you all, and as I said in the video use for the time of your game then post the link down here, in that way if someone is interested to watch it, well he/she can thanks to
wolfmarc and Blue.
graphic and art work made by Dragonfly.
Play your game untill sunday 20.00 (Italy, GMT+2).
Good luck to you all.
ShoppaKing news
Hellou! As I promised yesterday me and Blue recorded our session. Here's the video
I suggest you to take a look at this video because we also spoke about prizes and our personal considerations about this running tournament.
wolfmarc and Blue
ShoppaKing news
Hello everybody, all games of this weekly session have been played. I want to advise you that this pairing up will be recorded and upped here, so you all can check the regularity of this process to avoid any possible complain. Me and Blue will randomly generate the new opponents Today: Friday October 5 at 10.15 pm Italian GMT
I will post the link to the video here tomorrow and the leader board will be posted on sunday as usual.
ShoppaKing news
Hello guys! Hopefully your game are going well, I just want to advise you, as I already did earlier
On semi-finals and finals we will restrict more the weapon-set
that on semi-finals you have to take off from your tournamet customized weapon-set also the following weapons : RC-Plane, Dynamite, Mortar and Cake and Teleport.
We think that the semi-finals and finals should be about skills and not how lucky you get with crates. Hopefully you'll all agree with our decision.
yours truly,
wolfmarc and Blue
ShoppaKing news
Time to speak about prizes has finally come. ShoppaKing tournament prizes will be included in the new release of Hedgewars, talking about v .14, more updates about them when .14 will be officially released.
I'm just Giddy with Anticipation!
Errr, good day! With this session is going to start the "hot part" of this shoppaking tournament. To show you our interest in your opinion, from now feel free to guess the people that could probably get the 3 final places! Expecting lots of comments( 3 names plus a motivation of your choice) I'll wish you Good Luck with this step!
yours truly,
wolfmarc and Blue.
graphic and art work made by Dragonfly.
Play your game untill sunday 20.00 (Italy, GMT+2).
Good luck to you all.
ShoppaKing news
Due to Diablo being banned from the forum he can no longer post demos oh his games should he win, he has been kicked out of the tournament for this reason as well was being offensive to several players within the tournament. i hope you all agree with my decision
Ready for the new opponents? Hell yeah!
Play your game untill sunday 20.00 (Italy, GMT+2).
Good luck to you all.
wolfmarc and Blue.
graphic and art work made by Dragonfly.
ps. Prizes are getting closer !
ShoppaKing news
Okay guys tomorrow is the last day
of Round 1, so those of you who have
yet to play please hurry:
nik93 vs leftandright
Famax vs Hedgekiller
Dudeson vs Bladr
Cairo vs BHW[NZ]
tribo vs lez
Sektor vs WildWolf
I know at least 4 of these pairs are having trouble
finding a time to play so if time runs out and
you still havent played, then please post proof
that you attempted to find your opponent and a decision
will be made.
Good luck to you all, round 2 starts monday afternoon!
wolfmarc and Blue
Hello guys, here we are! This is the leader board, now it's your turn!
-Play your game and then post the demo of your last match down there with the name of the winner, don't forget to upload your demo on and then post the link down here.
-Time zone problems to schedule your game? The solution is Take a look at the webpage.
-On semi-finals and finals we will restrict more the weapon-set, because it doesn't have to be a matter of fortune. ShoppaKing is a king; he must prove that he's able to fight even with a toothbrush if needs. But it's early to speak about this now.
-Prizes <3
So? What are you waiting for? Go find your opponent, play your game and come back posting your demo as a winner!
Good Luck & Peace.
yours truly,
wolfmarc and Blue.
graphic and art work made by Dragonfly.
Play your game untill sunday 20.00 (Italy, GMT+2).
Good luck to you all.
ShoppaKing news
-Due to the amount players that are participating, during the 2nd round there will be 1 extra player, so whoever the random generator decides this extra player is he/she will receive a free round in which they automatically advance to the next stage without having to play (It's the fairest way around this, sorry for the inconvenience.)
WOOO! October 2nd has come! This is the sign up thread guys! If you are looking at this page make sure to subscribe, you can make our day! YOU own the power!
Let me just remind you about some fundamental rules down here:
1) You can Subscribe from October 2nd to October 16th (Write your name ONCE as a comment, no late entries). You'll know your first opponet on October 18th. Don't worry about the future, 'cause we will update a leader board weekly!
2) Remember to post your Demo after played your game! In such a case where you don't post it, you'll be disqualificated. Post your Demo in this thread!
3) Make sure to create a tournament game mode setup, that means take off these weapons: Hellish hand-grenade, Watermelon bomb and Ballgun.
4) All the games MUST be played on the map "Ropes", 4 hedgehogs each team, remember to refresh your map every match! (Change the map, then change back to Ropes. This resets the hedgehog and crate spawn points.)
If you have more questions please make them in this thread: I also suggest you to look at it, as all the rules are there. This thread is purely to subscribe and to post Demos, so again, if you have something to ask do it here:
Please help out by keeping this thread as clean as we can !
We wish you GOOD LUCK for this tournament and HAVE FUN!
Yours truly,
I’d like to give additional thanks to Dragonfly for helping out.
Aw I was forgetting to talk about prizes ! Hold on, worth it, trust me!
WOOO! ¡2 de Octubre ha llegado! ¡Esta es la thread de regístration, chicos!Si están mirando a esta pagina, asegúresen de que hacen la regístration. ¡Tienes lo poder!
Permítan me recordarles acerca de algunas reglas fundamentales:
1)Te puedes registrar de 2 de octubre hasta 16 de octubre (escribe su nombre en un coment). Sabrás quein es tu oponente en 18 de Octubre.!No te preocupes con el futuro, porque vamos a actualizar la imagen con la puntuación!
2)¡No olvides publicar todo Demo despues de después de jugar el partido! Si no publicares lo demo serás descalificado. ¡Publica lo Demo neste thread!
3) Asegúrese de crear un juego con las configurationes del torneo, no es permiso estas armas: Hellish hand-grenade, Watermelon bomb and Ballgun.
4) Todos los juegos son jugados en el mapa "ROPES" 4 hedgehogs cada equipo, asegúrese de cargar lo mapa todos los partidos! (Clic en el mapa, depues cambia para "Ropes")
Si tiene más preguntas hace aqui: Todas las reglas estan aqui. Este thread es sólo para regístration y para publicar los Demos
Por favor, ayuda a mantener esta thread limpia !
!Te esperamos BUENA SUERTE para este torneo y que te disfrutes!
¡Se me olvidaba mencionar los premios! ¡aguanta, vale la pena, confía en mí!
WOOO! Der zweite Oktober ist gekommen! Leute, dass ist der Anmelde-Thread! Wenn du dir diese Seite anschaust, dann melde dich an, mach uns glücklich! Du hast die Macht!
Lass mich dich nur hier unten an ein paar fundamentale Regeln erinnern:
1) Du kannst dich von 2.Oktober bis zum 16.Oktober anmelden (Schreib deinen Namen als Kommentar, keine verspäteten Einträge. Wer dein erster Gegner sein wird, erfährst du am 18. Oktober. Mach dir keine Sorgen, wir werden jede Woche eine Rangliste auf den neusten Stand bringen!
2) Denk daran deine Demo nach dem Spiel hochzuladen! Für den Fall, dass du keine Demo hochlädst, wirst du disqualifiziert. Trage deine Demo in diesem Thread ein.
3) Stelle sicher, dass du ein Wettkampf-Spielmodus hast, was heißt, dass du diese Waffen ausmachst: Höllische Granate, Wassermelonen-Bombe und Ballpistole.
4) Alle Spiele MÜSSEN auf der Karte „Ropes“ gespielt werden, 4 Hedgehogs pro Team, und denk daran die Karte jede Runde neu zu laden! (Ändere die Karte und ändere dann zurück auf Ropes. Dies verändert die Positionen der Hedgehogs und die Positionen der Kisten.
5) Alle Partien werden 1 gegen 1 gespielt, keine Teams.
Wenn du weitere Fragen hast, dann stelle sie in diesem
Dieser Thread dient nur dazu sich zu registrieren und die Demos hochzuladen. Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen hast, dann stell sie hier:
Bitte helft uns damit wir diesen Thread so sauber wie möglich halten können.
Wir wünschen dir viel Glück für den Wettbewerb und hab Spaß!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ich möchte mich nachträglich bei Dragonfly für die Mithilfe bedanken!
Aw, Ich habe vergessen über die Preise zu reden! Sei Geduldig, es lohnt sich, vertrau mir!
WHOOO! È arrivato il due ottobre ragazzi, e questo è il post riservato alle iscrizioni per il torneo!
Vi voglio solo ricordare alcune regole fondamentali:
1) Ti puoi iscrivere al torneo a partire dal due ottobre fino al sedici ottobre, come? ( scrivi il tuo nome qui sotto con un commento UNA volta sola); conoscerai il tuo primo avversario il diciotto ottobre e da quel momento avrai tempo una settimana per giocare la tua partita contro di lui (devi vincerne 2 su 3) e UPLOADARE il demo della tua vincita,intendo l'ultimo dei 2 o dei 3,contro il tuo avvesario qui sotto, ti consiglio di usare siti di hosting come mediafire e postare sotto qui il link con il nome del vincitore del match. Non preoccuparti per il “dopo” in quanto aggiorneremo un grafico settimanalmente con i match che dovrai giocare!
2) Ve lo ho anticipato sopra, ma visto che in tutte le lingue c'è una “regola 2” mi pare brutto non metterla proprio in italiano quindi ve lo ripeto: non dimenticatevi dei demo! Se non postate i demo qui sotto entro la scadenza (ricorda che hai 7 giorni per farlo = 168 ore, son tante eh
) verrete squalificati.
3) Le arrrmi mi raccomando! Non sono ammesse la bomba melone, granata infernale e lo sparapalle? È così che si dice? Vabbè mi avete capito no? Quindi o create un set di armi shoppa che esclude la presenza di queste tre armi nelle scatole oppure semplicemente se le prendete durante il gioco, non usatele, pena: squalifica, io vi consiglio la prima delle due.
4) Tutti i match vanno giocati nella mappa “Ropes”, 4 ricci (hedgehogs) ciascun giocatore e ricordati di resettare la mappa ogni partita (non obbligatorio, ma te lo consiglio: la partita sarà meno “UGUALE “ A quella precedente )
5) QUESTO TORNEO VA GIOCATO ESCLUSIVAMENTE UNO CONTRO UNO! NON IN TEAM o qualsiasi altra combinazione possibile!
Se hai altre domande scrivile nei commenti qui, questa pagina è esclusivamente riservata a iscrizioni e link dei Demo, cerchiamo di tenerla il più pulita possibile!
Anzi voi italiani (lo so che non sarete tanti) potete direttamente scrivermi un messaggio privato se avete qualche domanda, vi risponderò nel più breve tempo possibile !
Vorrei ringraziare di cuore Josh aka Dragonfly per il supporto e per l'aiuto che ci stà dando anche lui!
Dimenticavo di parlarvi dei Premi finali! Tenete duro ancora un po', ne vale la pena, credetemi!
ok I am in the tournament; the first registered yeah XD
Me too!
Wolmark! That's cheating!
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Johann (der Pupser)
Im in! GL & HF
Sir (Ty)Toby will take part, too!!!
Have fun little monkeys.
(Don't wanna register, just thought I'd say "have fun and good luck" my way)
he's 21 and he has no life! playing pc games all day! get a job gaymarc

Rozum-cz aka capt Awesome
Blue ^^
Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.
Latinhedge - you know me ;P
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Sir Toby representative for Postbeamter
Postbeamter subscription is not valid. You can sign up just for yourself, not for other people. to sign up at this tournament it's strictly necessary to write your proper name as a comment once. We won't consider Postbeamter subscription until HE will write his own name.
do not answer @ this advise, let's keep this thread clean
I'd like to participate but don't know if am good enough :'(
BUT if it doesn't matter count me in.
I want to be in the tournament!!!!!!
Edit: without smiley!
(N i c o _ O without spaces)
.hedgekiller. give me a nap first please xD ... no i don't care ^^
nice greetings .hedgekiller.
name: Amoedo
team: PdePibada
Los viejos vuelven cuando se los necesita.
Shoppa - ropes
This is my signup comment!
Sign me up,Vamp
Just stumbled upon this game yesterday, already a huge fan, keep it up!
am sorry, havn`t seen my comment.
October 16th : 02.27 A.M. (Milan, Italy, GMT+2)
1. nik93
2. wolfmarc
3. Cairo
4. Johann
5. mrock
6. Sir TToby
7. n00b
8. diablo
9. BHW[NZ]
10. Spartans
11. Sektor
12. Rozum-cz
13. Blue
14. Castell
15. Magik_18l
16. Dragonfly
17. Blitzmerker
18. Famax
19. Lalo
20. Dj.LisT
21. stars1
22. WildWolf
23. Latinhedge
24. Worschtweck
25. Randy
26. Octacore
27. roli
28. siniy
29. Justinn
30. kr3ved
31. Jeż
32. MiSsEd
33. Nico _ O
34. .hedgekiller.
35. Kiofspa
36. vord
37. Dudeson
38. Morgantar
39. lez
40. Amoedo
41. bladr
42. Vamp
43. LMAO
44. tribo
45. leftandright
46. Meir
On monday you'll know your first opponent! Stay tuned!