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startrekhog's picture
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When is the next release coming out?

Smaxx's picture
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Hopefully when it's done. Maybe October ...

User offline. Last seen 12 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Smaxx allegedly wrote:

Hopefully when it's done. Maybe October ...

it is October...

Palewolf sheepluva: heh, havent noticed your donate button before
sheepluva Palewolf: is more of a "for science!" thing
Palewolf sheepluva: you know, one could do a lot more money if you pulled out a photo of a hedgehog and said you would eat it unless you get 10k dollars
sheepluva lol
Sdw195 heh
sheepluva well, as I said. it's more of a science thing
Sdw195 no eat if it he got 10k dollars
sheepluva I don't expect to get more than $1 this year
sheepluva max
sheepluva xD
Sdw195 heh
Palewolf sheepluva: your loss, my way you get to get at least one decent meal XD
Sdw195 hahha
Sdw195 rolf
sheepluva Palewolf: good point.. hmmmmmmm

Inu's picture
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sdw195 allegedly wrote:

Smaxx allegedly wrote:

Hopefully when it's done. Maybe October ...

it is October...

And it's going to be October for 25 more days. Big Grin

Koda's picture
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actually we didn't specify the year, so it may be october 2011 or 2012...

Uriah's picture
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Aiming for halloween or before

thecoa's picture
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sigh, halloween gone 5 days ago, and still no release Sad Smiley

Oh yeah, and what's with these pathes for windows ?? Annoyed
Can't somebody write exactly what to do, a tutorial or smth? And how to apply them in win ?

All of these few that are on the forums are really confusing and not accurate...

Inu's picture
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thecoa allegedly wrote:

sigh, halloween gone 5 days ago, and still no release Sad Smiley

Oh yeah, and what's with these pathes for windows ?? Annoyed
Can't somebody write exactly what to do, a tutorial or smth? And how to apply them in win ?

All of these few that are on the forums are really confusing and not accurate...

There are no "patches for windows".
You're probably confused with something mentioned somewhere.

Castell's picture
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I was wondering if in the new release the players have an historial of victories and defeats, and a range or something. It would be quite cool. Like typing: /stats to know your victories, battles played, etc.

Castell's picture
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Sorry about my english:

historial = record, history (?)

and with "range" I wanted to say: rank, level

Inu's picture
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No, there wont be status on the next release.

There were several posts discussing this before.
For example, I stand fully AGAINST adding this to Hedgewars.

While it can be done in a payed game because technically you have to pay around 20 to 60 EUR\USD to get a singles serial-code so you can register a SINGLE account.
In a free game you have absolutely no control over new account creation.

I can GUARANTEE with 100% accuracy that the number of fake\ghost accounts registered would suddenly shoot through the roof as soon as something like status (kill ratio, wins, losses, etc...) was released completely obliterating the Hedgewars databases (so people had "dummys" to kill and raise their status).
Also, the number of games "just for fun" would seriously go down too, or even completely disappear.
Ah, and don't forget griefing, and a higher number or rage-quits and quit-is-not-a-loss-but-maybe-a-connection-loss-quits.

And not all countries have the same laws, privacy is a big issue to a lot of people so the game would also have to have exceptions for those.

**Of course, something like achievements and records in "timed race levels" and "timed item pickups" would be perfectly possible and really cool tho!

You can check arguments like these and MANY, MANY more in the appropriate thread in a forum close to you.

Castell's picture
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Ok, I wasnt aware of all that problems, it makes sense. Fair enough, I just was wondering about it.

Thank you for the answer.

mikade's picture
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Those are some good arguments against stats. I'm glad you still like the idea of achievements, though. Thanks for the well thought out reply. This was something I had been wondering about, too.

Hedgewars Developer

thecoa's picture
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well, i was wondering if there is going to be Replay function ? I would really love to be able to see a replay of my last shot for example. Or last shot/action.

Inu's picture
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Not next version.
Also I'm not sure if you mean the whole game (which already exists) or just a random play.
If it's the 2nd option i don't really see much purpose to it, and would probably need some extra net code just for that... and can't imagine when exactly something like that would be triggered.

TheCycoONE's picture
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Worms Armageddon had instant replay iirc. It would happen automatically after a 'spectacular' shot, or if you pressed r before the next players turn I think.

nemo's picture
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Not possible with how the engine works without implementing a kind of short-term video recording of screen sampling.
Low incentive for a minor feature anyway.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Inu's picture
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Just cheer up everyone!
A creepy zombie eating a smelly piece of cheese told me that the release is gonna happen "very soon"!
...I find that a trustful source of information.

rockachu2's picture
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Zombie of who?

My favorite sport: nerd sniping.

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