Game Mode - No 'Sudden Death'
Wed, 2010-11-03 12:02
Simple really - the ability to deactivate Sudden Death in game modes.
Whether you already have planned to do this or not I do not know, but it really adds another dimension to game-play if you aren't restricted by impending consequences, centrally the rising water, of Sudden Death. It allows for long, unrushed games - often focusing on super-defensive strategies.
Anyway, I believe this would be a great feature.
Or perhaps better, the ability to stipulate sudden death conditions. So you select
a) Sudden death: ON / OFF
b) Hogs lose life: ON / OFF
c) Water rises: ON / OFF
d) Delay before water rise: x number of rounds (at the moment even if you set sudden death at 0, you still have to wait a few rounds before the water rises. This can make "sudden sinking" games a bit of a bother when there are lots of teams in the game).
e) Rate of water rise per turn: x pixels

Hedgewars Developer
Yes, that works better... but some of those would be modifiers while others would be straight game settings.
WRT turning off sudden death, I don't think that really warrants a game option. I think it makes more sense just to raise the sudden death turn limit. Avoids another button.
If sudden death is in 99 or 999 turns, it is basically disabled.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Not if you want to have a game 1000 rounds long, lol =)
Having a Game modifier to have Sudden Death off completely works better. For example mines - you have a modifier that adds random mines - and a game option that allows you to set the number of mines.
If it works there...
The button for mines has been removed.
Setting unlimited turns right now means setting to just a heck of a lot of time.
And even at 10 seconds a turn a thousand turn game (including in-between turn time) would take over 3 hours.
I think 999 should be quite adequate.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
the options would be cool, still, because I would love to have a 'Hurricane' mission/map where the water is rising fast and you need to win while dodging the water.
Why remove the mines button?
It came in useful to me.
My favorite sport: nerd sniping.
Sudden Death update:
- as nemo said the sudden death turn time has a new range of 0 to 999
- water rise adjuster, how much the water will rise: 0 to 100 px
- health decrease adjuster, how much health hedgehogs lose: 0 to 100 health
One of those hedgewars developers. I am specially knowledgeable in lua scripting, and the father of gameplay scripts.
Cool. Good work Henek.

Hedgewars Developer
Can we increase the health decrease amount from the 0-100 range.
It's possible to have hogs with 200 health by default...
And in fact with vampirism and health drops etc, hogs can get significantly higher than 200 health... so perhaps a 0-999 health range makes sense there too.
yes, Henek submitted a patch about this yesterday
Actually, no, I didn't. He is requesting a bigger range in those sliders, higher then the current ones.
One of those hedgewars developers. I am specially knowledgeable in lua scripting, and the father of gameplay scripts.
I love the new sliders!
Now if only there was a recent nightly for windowz.
My favorite sport: nerd sniping.