Why were the new wepon offsets removed ?

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

Wondering why the new weapon offsets were removed ? Makes more sense the new way IMHO. Was it due to a desync bug or preference ? If preference I hope it comes back at least as an option, cause firing from the center of the hog looks/is kinda weird. When I aim a weapon I don't think about aiming from my center, but from the gun.......This was one of the main reasons a couple of friends won't play the game, due to the weird offsets. Ah well, maybe I can get them into it somehow.

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 39

Got this answer from IRC:

[20:34] oldnesjunkie: was a "quick and dirty" fix :P
[20:34] they will be back when .15 is out
[20:39] according to UnC0R lots of users complained, and murdered themselves. Although equally many users liked them. They also somewhat killed the AI.

"If you want to play a game that's exactly the same as worms. Play worms." - Tiyuri
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