Hedgewars Portable at Portableapps.com

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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first of all:
This game is epic!


I'm not sure if you know it, but there's a portable version of this game at portableapps.com

I just wanted to tell you, because there was a hint at the startup, that I shouldn't install it at school. (I'm using the German version, not sure what it is exactly in the English one)

You could implement a link to Hedgewars portable ?!

Hedgewars Portable with download (Click me)

Greetings Mateys

Beyond the greatest games ever! ( I also love Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft Wink Smiley )
Execuse me, if my English isn't completely correct, my mother tongue is German.

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The game was always portable.
Actually it's more portable by default than it is like that.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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just wondered what you mean by more portable by default? i use the .cmd method of running it portable, is there an easier way?

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@ mcfroogle
What I meant is that all you need to do is execute the .exe, there are no hidden registry entries or anything, it just works!
Comparing with the dodgy portableapps version is doesn't need to be unpacked or anything else either.

Regarding avoiding the a batch file... i guess it would be possible to ask unC or Tiy to compile an .exe that adopts that behavior by default.
I'll see if I can contact them.

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Inu, he might mean passing --config-dir to keep the same settings as you change machines, but that doesn't require any special file either, just a shortcut / launcher.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 13 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Inu allegedly wrote:

@ mcfroogle
What I meant is that all you need to do is execute the .exe, there are no hidden registry entries or anything, it just works!
Comparing with the dodgy portableapps version is doesn't need to be unpacked or anything else either.

Regarding avoiding the a batch file... i guess it would be possible to ask unC or Tiy to compile an .exe that adopts that behavior by default.
I'll see if I can contact them.

That would be great if you could get it to save to the "portable" location by default Big Grin thanks Big Grin

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