ranking - based on what?

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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please check the results of the match: http://yfrog.com/1fhedgewarsresultsp

any idea why the red player is 2nd although he died first? jose

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Howdy, IMO it could be concerned with how much damage you create, like how much HP you take, you notice that each hog can lose over the limit of their 100 life maybe it factors how much damage you did instead of kills, this is the first thing that popped out on my mind.



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yeah, this is the only explanation that came to my mind but i'd like to have this confirmed by devs

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sure (: I just linked this to a dev.


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why not multiple "whats" , like left4dead and team fortress 2, between rounds it chooses 10 topics and shows who did good, and other players what they have to work on.

Nothing ruins a multiplayer game like some a-hole constantly telling you that you where owned, or you are a noob that sucks.

Perhaps find a trait that the "worst" player had and display it, so they can feel good too Smile

User offline. Last seen 14 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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http://i51.tinypic.com/2hggr2w.jpg - same question here, how can red be first?? he quits when it was blue turn, but anyway, how??

It will be great to see not only kills statistics, but also, how many HP each team took away from other teams. Like, xxx - 4 kills - 653 hp.

And ranking... i think it must be based on 1) which team died first = last team, 2) how many hp each team took away!

User offline. Last seen 12 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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How about ranking based on "Enemy_hogs_killed / Player_hogs_lost" (if Player_hogs_lost = 0, then just Enemy_hogs_killed)

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@archerkir: rights.. it really can be based on efficiency. but do we have a proof?

User offline. Last seen 14 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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how about ignoring "quitting" stats? If persons quits during the game, then we see "bla bla bla killed his 3 own hogs... " "bla bla bla shoot his own hogs with xxx hp. I do not want to see it.

I do not think thats NOW stats are based on (like @archerkir said) Enemy_hogs_killed / Player_hogs_lost. I think its based on created damage! Proof? Ok, http://i54.tinypic.com/207l5ht.jpg , 6. team.. he was 2nd.. hi died last, red wins with 2 hogs. But lol, he is last in ranking? Because he was hiding during the game and did not made too much damage to others.

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