Some ideas

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KoBeWi's picture
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>>New weapons
>Grappling (or Fishing Rod)
Something like rope, but can attach to barrers, mines, boxes etc. and move them around like in Worms 4. Hook could even be thrown like grenade to grab items not available by normal rope.

Used like dynamite. After explosion shoots tens of needles in all directions.

>Might potion
For use, makes hedgehog walk faster, jump higher and further and don't end the turn after damage.

>Weapon X
Also for use. Affects all weapons to add them more deadly effect. For example, piano strike could keep destroying land until the water or rope could reach the land instantly and have triple length. I can write ideas for all weapons.

And I think the drill strike should be fixed. It's good as tool for digging, but as weapon it's a bit useless. Missiles should continue falling after the first drilled tunnel and explode on second floor.

>EXP, weapon factory and super team
There was idea to add experience as points for winning battles. My idea is to make this affect the game as optional gameplay mode. Each team could earn EXP from playing in this mode (eventually only on netplay) and winning missions in campaign. The EXP could be able to spend in weapon factory. Just like in Worms 4 each team could have it's own weapon. Weapons in factory could be scripted or made from different settings. Only limit would be the EXP amount. And the second way to spend experience would be to power up team. Each hedgehog could have individual attributes like speed, jump, starting HP, damage, endurance or even weight to resist blows. Of course all of this would affect only in EXP mode.

>Tools for drawing terrain
I hope the feature of drawing maps will be expanded. Most it's missing the eraser. But it could also contain some tools like for drawing lines or a square brush.

>Multiple invisible rectangles for objects in theme
It gains usability especially with drawn terrain.

sheepluva's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

there's this eternity-old, totally ignored topic

Not totally ignored, considering that the drill-strike change happened and that at least half of these things are on my TODO lists.
Some of those ideas have been floating around forever anyway though.
Some of which even have partial implementations already, because those ideas weren't that new to begin with :P

Things described as "like Worms 4" are kinda lost to me personally btw., because I haven't played that game... can't find any youtube video about it either. *shrugs*

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KoBeWi's picture
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Yeah, its a completely old topic and it contains things I forgot I even posted :P


sheepluva allegedly wrote:

Things described as "like Worms 4" are kinda lost to me personally btw., because I haven't played that game... can't find any youtube video about it either. *shrugs*

Rope in Worms 4 had additional function, namely, it could attach to land objects, like barrels or boxes. When rope was attached, you could move it "up" or "down to push or pull the objects. Actually, if not this feature, I wouldn't use the rope at all in that game :P (It was super fun, because you could, for example, stack barrels in one place and send worms beyond the horizon XD)

I see how this won't be possible in Hedgewars, because rope attaches to land objects like to normal ground. That's why I suggested it to be separate utility.

And since this topic got necro'ed, shall I post rest of my weapon ideas? (they are sort of similar to the ones here)

sheepluva's picture
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Sure post away, so what we totally ignore it again :p

And hm, regarding grapple... how about a fishing rod? Big Grin

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KoBeWi's picture
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Yeah, fishing rod sounds fine!

So, the ideas...


First, one of the most OP weapons ever...

The Solar Bomb!
It takes appearance of small sun and it acts like grenade. The twist is, that it has to charge before exploding. It charges until your next turn, which means, you place it, then opponents take turns and then you have another turn to save some of your hogs and then it explodes. Another twist is that it can be used in three ways:

1st way: it fully charges. It will then teleport to the center of the map and explode. Explosion vaporizes whole map, leaving only corners (explosion is circular, so it leaves the area diagonally from epicenter, the corners). It maybe acts more like black hole than sun, but whatever. Hogs caught in explosion don't take damage, they just perish.

2nd way: detonate it prematurely. The bomb takes some time to charge, but you can make it explode before it fully charges, by hitting it for enough damage. It will explode with power and range of... 4 Devil Grenades or so.

3rd way: throw it into water. It will still explode when its charged and it can't be stopped, but it won't teleport and have less power. However the explosion will cause small tidal wave that will wash away hedgehogs too close to water.

Because it can be used in more ways, you have to place it carefully or it will be used against you.


The second idea... By that time, I thought it's pretty interesting...
It's a strike-type weapon. You choose a point on the map and a thunder strikes it. The thunder will pierce the land if point was covered and it will send an electric wave on the ground at the point of impact, which will also cross the water and of course cause additional damage.


The third idea... Someone may recognize it..
It's sort of magic weapon, that creates a pile of black flame at your crosshair. The flame will burn for 7 days and 7 nights (I mean, probably longer than the whole round) so it will just burn through land until the water. (but nooo, water won't extinguish it, it will fall outside the map and disappear). Yeah, it's not quite original idea (if you know where it comes from), but might be interesting probably.


Soo, that's all the ideas I remember. Feel free to ignore them, because they are hard to code and stuff. Big Grin

nemo's picture
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Hm... you guys starting a new weapons thread or something?

To chime in on what sheepluva noted, we do read the weapons thread, and implemented a fair number of suggestions, just sometimes there are issues of things being difficult to code, seem like they wouldn't play well, or maybe just don't seem to offer unique new behaviour over existing stuff.

Some new devs/artists would help too.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:
Some new devs/artists would help too.


nemo allegedly wrote:
Some new devs/artists would help too.


nemo allegedly wrote:
Some new devs/artists would help too.



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