Mudball used by A.I.
Wed, 2010-12-29 01:47
Just a short notice to the Devs to let them know that the A.I. on at least the easyest mode tends to occassionely toss the Mudball to either the terrain, their own allies at times or as an alternative for something damaging.
To sum it up, they seem to have no idea how to use it effectively at all (Unlike all the other things they do use)
Yeah. Noticed that. Mudball is pretty much being treated as a bazooka shot only one that does very very little damage.
I'm not sure why they ever use it if bazooka is an option and they have no clear shot. Something to look into. Tossing at own allies is probably due to the damage rating function using radius as proportional to damage. Hopefully should be rare.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
off-topic, but when you set the scheme to high wind, the AI doesn't seem to realize the difference and usually ends up destroying itself.
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