Generic versus Set Gameplay [POLL]

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mikade's picture
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Hi there. So, after creating a few small scripts for 0.9.15, and secretly lurking a few games in which they were played, I have a question:

Generally, do you prefer generic scripts, or ones that are strictly limited?

For example, do you prefer a generic script that can be played on any map, like the Capture The Flag gameplay mode, or do you prefer having things set in stone, like the CTF_Blizzard mission?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Generic scripts allow the user close to total freedom in what and how they may choose to play in terms of the map, the scheme, theme, and weapon sets. Handled intelligently, that's pretty awesome in my opinion.

However, this requires some effort on the user's part to select options that suit the script and will actually be fun. Playing CTF where the players kill themselves in the first round and the flag points end up right next to each other isn't really fun. Neither is a Control game with, oh, unlimited teleports.

By its nature, a limited script doesn't encounter these problems. Limited/Set scripts also have the advantage of being able to take into account the map's layout (e.g. the shiny teleporters in CTF_Blizzard). Set scripts/maps also mean that the game is ready-to-play instantly and require no "setting up stage". For a game with a lot of beginner players (and players who do not speak the same language as each other), this should not be underestimated.

But again, not everyone will enjoy the options that have been set. Someone might want to play with ropes disabled and unlimited portals on. If things are set, this is impossible.

Which do you think is better? Why?

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sheepluva's picture
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mikade's poll: Gameplay Mode VS Mission Maps

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sheepluva's picture
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it's 3 vs 3, vote some moar, people! :P

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Star and Moon
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Yikes, hard decision Annoyed

sheepluva's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Yikes, hard decision Annoyed

Yep, you're surely not alone with that opinion. The poll just won't move away from 50% vs 50% XD

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mikade's picture
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Holy moly. Last time I came here there were like 6 votes, now there are 44.
What happened? :O

Results of the poll look pretty even, with gameplay modes having a slight lead. I guess that's good seeing as I have about... (4?) new gameplay modes that I'm developing for the next Hedgewars release. Smile

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Holy moly. Last time I came here there were like 6 votes, now there are 44.
What happened? :O

There were only 14 votes yesterday, so I figured I'd promote the poll to the front-page ;D

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doomy's picture
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I like the game play modes especially capture the flag because I could destroy the entire map,because the hogs respawn when killed.In fact,I've made it tie on capture the flag.They spanwed
just above water on top of each other so I used Cake and killed them all!Big Grin For some reason,they didn't spawn back at this point Sad Smiley

Star and Moon
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I think Gameplay wins. There hasn't been any more votes for a few days.

sheepluva's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

There hasn't been any more votes for a few days.

few days ago...

sheepluva allegedly wrote:

UPDATE: 100 people voted and almost nobody voting anymore anyway.
I'm closing this so that non-voters can see the results too :)
Thank you for voting!

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