Hedgewars Awesome Kill ( awesome kill compilation project)
Thu, 2011-01-13 15:27
watch my first awesome and funny kill video
if you have other awesome and funny kill or a fail
send the video to me and i will compile it and put it on youtube
you will be heavily credited in the video (promise)
I have some nice replays, but Hedgewars need to provide fast forwarding, rewinding etc. to the "player". Some of replays are just to long and good actions are at the end.
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
Er. Fast forward is s key. Rewind however is not possible. Just use the time clock, and slow down well before the point, pause, and fire up your capture tool.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
can you send it to me?
sheepluva <- me my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
<- where I'm from what I speak ->
Style is spelled style not stile.
Use Dropbox to backup your important goodies!
Hey hey,
sdw195 is making a trailer for hedgewars .14/.15 and we'd like to include that particular scene.
(maybe some other cool ones if you have some - it's not going to be a long trailer so we probably won't use more than 1 or 2 of them)
So please send me or sdw195 the demo(s)!
Thank you in advance!
PS: don't forget to tell us who to mention in the credits in the trailer maybe we could even link your youtube channel(s) using annotations ^^
sheepluva <- me my code stats ->
a Hedgewars Developer
click here to message me
<- where I'm from what I speak ->
that's a good idea, perhaps you should come over on a shoppa room and watch us out crashing spectacularly around the map (:
i would but as sheepluva said its going to be short (1:50) and its just about full, unless its a really good shoot/fail
Palewolf sheepluva: heh, havent noticed your donate button before
sheepluva Palewolf: is more of a "for science!" thing
Palewolf sheepluva: you know, one could do a lot more money if you pulled out a photo of a hedgehog and said you would eat it unless you get 10k dollars
sheepluva lol
Sdw195 heh
sheepluva well, as I said. it's more of a science thing
Sdw195 no eat if it he got 10k dollars
sheepluva I don't expect to get more than $1 this year
sheepluva max
sheepluva xD
Sdw195 heh
Palewolf sheepluva: your loss, my way you get to get at least one decent meal XD
Sdw195 hahha
Sdw195 rolf
sheepluva Palewolf: good point.. hmmmmmmm