HOW-TO: Recording VOICES for Hedgewars, a guide by Armagon

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sheepluva's picture
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Geek Hi there!

I'm made this sticky thread so that Armagon's very useful blog post doesn't get forgotten Smile

Recording Voices for Hedgewars, by Armagon

Have fun creating your individual sound files for your Hedgehogs and feel free to share them with the community (and maybe even have it added to the official game release!)

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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Cairo's picture
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Thanks Sheepluva!

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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Nice, I would love to try this, but I can't make any worthwile voicpacks...
Though I can make some voices on the cpu.

Wohlstand's picture
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Where to send our new voice pack to be included in next release of the game?
Me and my friend Den recorded our voice pack

Default_ru in Russian language:

Now, we recording german voice pack

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