Interface and Game Ideas

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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- Add name of function under icon, not only in Hint
- Add OpenGL acceleration, for smoother and better menu background
- Add game update to the game
- Fix bug - when Im in windows mode and start to play game then, screens goes up
Background should be minizid, or it should be changed to use only one window not two

Game modes:
- Forts Mode - 2 or more teams, big maps, the team which last and destroy other forts and teams, wins.
There should be added special weapons mounted on special forts places.
- Scorched mode - move is limited by food (instead of fuel), all things may be collected used only by shooting, many weapons buying it for money collected by winning rounds.
We are shooting through the mountains.
Many weapons, shields, and special items available.
- Tower Defense mode - 2D, bird view, players can built towers (with weapons available in game), and defend from monsters.
- Body count - 1 Hedge against hordes of enemies, going further it's harder
- NinjaRope sprint - the one who first go to the end of map (marker) is a winner, short time for using rope with a turn
- Jetpack sprint - the same but with jetpack
- Crazy boxes - a lot of chests

add Physics engine for better physics
- Add slowmotion (when something crazy is going) and replay function
- Add zoom function during play and replay,
- Disable damage from falling

Game generally:
- Add statistics
- Vertical Maps
- Build in editor
- Random Maps

Weapons and Tools:
- electro magnet
- guard cannon
- fires
- mines (custom)

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User offline. Last seen 24 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 2009-01-28
Posts: 1861

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Add name of function under icon, not only in Hint

This was the way it was previously, but it was removed to save space. Adding the text required a lot larger minimum frontend size.

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Fix bug - when Im in windows mode and start to play game then, screens goes up
Background should be minizid, or it should be changed to use only one window not two

Definitely not a bug. Minimising was experimented with, but was disabled due to unreliable behaviour on some computers.
Incorporating into the Qt frontend is already on the TODO list.

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Body count - 1 Hedge against hordes of enemies, going further it's harder

Try enabling AI Survival Mode in game settings.

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

add Physics engine for better physics

Not a good idea, but keeps getting brought up. sheepluva has been eloquent on how it has not worked out for similar games, perhaps he will do so again.

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Add slowmotion (when something crazy is going) and replay function

Already on the wanted, but will require significant engine modification. A simple slomo might be possible. Replay is not really possible with the way the engine is currently implemented.

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Add zoom function during play and replay,

Uh. You know you can zoom, right?

superfly86 allegedly wrote:

- Add statistics
- Vertical Maps
- Build in editor
- Random Maps

Confused, all of those are already in the game.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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