Game version1.2.2 wan't start on iPad

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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Downloaded game from appstore version 1.2.2. As soon as click start it jums out to iPad main screen. Can any one help?!!!

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I poked koda regarding this.
He should be able to help you, not sure how soon though, he's quite busy these days.

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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sheepluva allegedly wrote:

I poked koda regarding this.
He should be able to help you, not sure how soon though, he's quite busy these days.

I updated my iPad. Game stars and working, but after a while it freezes and I have to switch it off.

Koda's picture
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after you switch it off are you able to play it? or does it freeze again?
under what conditions does it freeze? (large map/static map/maze)

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Koda allegedly wrote:

after you switch it off are you able to play it? or does it freeze again?
under what conditions does it freeze? (large map/static map/maze)

Thanks for reply. After I switch it off It won't work strait away have to wait for like 20 seconds after that I am able to play, but not for long it freeze again. It freeze on maze or map no differents. Some times I can finish one round, but usualy it freezes in the middle of the game.

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Hey Loris, just wondering. Do you have very large e-mail accounts or contact lists, and are you running any applications in background?
Try to think of possible reasons for running out of memory.

The iPad has half the memory of the iPhone so hedgewars on it is more likely to run into memory limits, even with things like the lower resolution land graphics.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Hey Loris, just wondering. Do you have very large e-mail accounts or contact lists, and are you running any applications in background?
Try to think of possible reasons for running out of memory.

The iPad has half the memory of the iPhone so hedgewars on it is more likely to run into memory limits, even with things like the lower resolution land graphics.

Hi nemo. I don't run any applications in background, have one e-mail and two contacts. Also 26GB of memory left. So not shure wats wrong

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Er. that's not memory, that's drive space.
The iPad only has 256 mibibytes of memory - by comparison most laptops have gigabytes of memory, and the iPhone has 512 mibibytes of memory.
Of that 256, only a small amount is available to an application on a clean iPad, something like 100-120 if I recall. Koda would know better.

The rest is used by the graphics chip and the operating system and any applications spawned by the operating system.

Hedgewars uses quite a bit of memory for the land array, since it is pixel based. On an iPad, it uses:
2048x4096x2 for collision tracking, and 1024x2048x4 for RGBA graphics rendering. That's 24 mibibytes of memory just for representing the land, not including objects, audio, textures (which in some cases suck up both memory for the graphics card and physical memory), the frontend, the supporting libraries (which Apple's rules force apps to statically link) etc.

Koda tries to test to make sure things will run on the apple device, and there are ways to save more memory, but he's trying to keep as many features too.

Try disabling audio, see if that helps at all - at least that'll avoid loading some ogg files.

What's wild about this memory situation BTW is that the iPad is like over half empty space - just hollow. And, while memory is expensive, it isn't *that* expensive. I'm at a loss as to why Apple crippled this device to the specs of what the iPhone was at the time.
My wild ass guess is it was Apple obsessing with making it a scaled up iphone. My understanding is the next generation iPad will have more respectable specs.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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