Feel like ranting? Here's your chance (YT Hedgewars review)!

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-jay- allegedly wrote:


Have fun Big Grin

I haven't watched it, but before he deleted comments, I read the one about him claiming there were few unique weapons in Hedgewars.

I'd say apart from the obvious set of genre or simple functionality weapon / utilities (bazooka, grenade, shotgun, switch, skip, extra time, low gravity) the vast majority of the weps are unique.
Bee - unique appearance and functionality, DEagle, whip, cake, HHG (yes, I know, derivation of derivation, but unique in its results), seduction, ballgun, rc plane (the bombing is a very flexible attribute, as is its size - allows opening holes for plane to fly into), invulnerability, vampirism, sniper rifle, Birdy, Portal Gun, piano (no, not the same - does less terrain damage, sacrifices a hog, looks different, and has the playing of music - only similarity is big damaging smackdown), sine gun, sticky mine, hammer, resurrector, snowball.

And a ton more cool modes. I've been won over to scripting (well, scripting that keeps the weapons/movement mostly standard) ...

Still without watching it, but from the previously deleted comments, I understand that just from a general review sense the quality was rather poor. No significant amount of time was spent playing/understanding it, and the audio was rather bad.

Typically reviewers try to spend a significant number of hours on a game, like a full work day or two.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

I read the one about him claiming there were few unique weapons in Hedgewars.

Well even worse, he claimed that they _ALL_ were just variations of the weapons of some particular other game.
Which is, as you pointed out already, utter bullshit.

And that without even having completed a single game (at least when he recorded that "preview").

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Koda's picture
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i want f13triket (or whaterver his nick) to rant about this!!!

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Not to mention that his recent review was of an outdated version of Hedgewars.
Great job, guy.

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mikade allegedly wrote:

Not to mention that his recent review was of an outdated version of Hedgewars.
Great job, guy.

Oh. And then there's HW unique touches like speech bubbles or variable zoom...

Yeah, dude sucks.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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That guy's youtube profile and twitter page vanished ^^

Maybe he actually tried to complete angry birds for the review he planned since we flamed him so much for not playing hedgewars before reviewing and then noticed it's actual work to do so ^^

Or maybe he just changes his name and tries to start over in a more serious manner.

I hope the second theory of the above is true as he really seemed to like the idea of reviewing stuff xD

Either way, the video's gone, yay xD

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