Shoppa How-To Compilation

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ElMarranote's picture
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Ok, here it goes. I've been searching all over this site for some shoppa information else than "Play with someone who's better" and, given the lack of information and/or will of those who master this mode I've decided to create a post where everyone can learn and teach some shoppa moves.

ElMarranote's picture
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The first shoppa move I'll post is the most basic one and works basicly on any surface for an unlimited amount of purposes. Bouncing is achieved by, while attached to a wall pressing and holdig the up key and the direction key towards the wall until your hog hits the wall. This creates momentum in the oposite direction of the wall.

Notice that it is not necesary to press the up key all the time, since you can run out of rope's length making the hog oscilate out of control.

The up key is used to gain momentum, so you can keep the directional key towards the wall you want to bounce from and start pressing and holdig the up key to bounce, the resultant bounce depends on the momentum gained by decreasing the rope's lenght and the wall's angle. After that, you can press the space key to "jump" towards your current angle of movement around the rope's attachment point. You can also keep holding the up key to gain extra momentum and to increase your angle to perform greater jumps.

Keep in mind that if you run out of rope length, your hog will oscilate fast and the jump may be harder to control.

ElMarranote's picture
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Sliding towards and backwards

Sliding is usefull to push enemy hogs and to move quickly on smooth surfaces. This first sliding technique can be performed on a smooth surface with an attachable obstacle at one side.

To slide towards the obstacle you must attach your rope to it and press and hold up to gain speed towards the obstacle and while pressing up, press the space key, this makes the hog slide slowly towards the attached obstacle, sometimes, once you attach the rope to the obstacle, pressing up or down does nothing while the hog's crosshair goes crazy. To solve this, try to "Bounce" from the ground pressing both up or down but do not detach your hog, this should make your hog jump a little and be able to perform the slide. Also, you can just detach your hog and attach it again to the obstacle.

Sliding backwards is just the same but pressing down instead of up.

Sometimes (mostly because of you ran out of rope's lenght or you hit something before pressing space) this slide does not work, remember that the most important aspect of sliding is the movement speed you already have when attached.

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Slide Jump

This is a useful and powerful movement, can be usen both as a slide or jump. The easiest way to perform this movement is by attaching the rope to a wall right on top of your hog, 90 degree angle is not necesary, but the first time It will be easier if you do so, once attached to the "roof" press a direction key (right or left) and hold it to modidy the angle, then press down and space, this should make your hog perform a jump towards the inicial direction and once in the ground, start sliding. As the angle goes away from 90 degree the jump will be higer, keep in mind that your hog will not push enemies while in air unless his jump slightly hits the enemy from adobe. This movement can't only be used on the ground, it can also be used vertically. Be creative!. Use the gained momentum on your advantage.

Randy's picture
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Oh I thought it was a good idea to n00bs so they can learn how shoppa, for my part will recover practicing in Ropes

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Close Push

This move is basicly a slide jump for enemies too close from a wall. To perform this move, you have to place your hog in mid of the wall and the enemy and attach your rope to the wall high adobe both hogs. You should be hanging from the wall in an almost parallel angle. Then, you must press and hold the down and the opposite direction key to your enemy. Your hog should be oscilating against the enemy hog. Press space and your hog will:

a) push the enemy away from the wall sliding or jumping
b) jump towards the wall, bounce from it and push the enemy hog with the resultant momentum of his bounce

If nothing happens, try again.

ElMarranote's picture
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Aerial Pushing

Most of the times, when your hog is in mid air, it can't push enemy hogs suddenly stoping instead. Nevertheless, there's a way for your hog to push enemies in mid air: If your hog lands on the head of the enemy (or ally) with a certain horizontal momentum, it pushes the hog beneath him with around one half of the previous horizontal momentum. This is useful to separate two hogs that are too close toghether (for example taking your ally out of a bunch of enemies to safely attack'em without collateral damage) and to push hogs on a circular surface too close to the edge to be "pushable" by normal means among many others.

Mrock's picture
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Sorry about my previous comment.

In my opinion if you want to be a good and original shoppa player you shouldnt follow "how too's". Just join the lobby start playing and have fun, with practice you will be good.

PS: Join Blue's room, hes the HARDCORE UK! Big Grin

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mrock, true words.

hedgewars forever!

ElMarranote's picture
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Mrock allegedly wrote:

Sorry about my previous comment.

In my opinion if you want to be a good and original shoppa player you shouldnt follow "how too's". Just join the lobby start playing and have fun, with practice you will be good.

PS: Join Blue's room, hes the HARDCORE UK! Big Grin

I agree with you. Nevertheless I started this forum not attempting to create an ultimate shoppa guide, but to share (and allow others to share too) some tricks that might help those who are novice at this mode and have no idea how to get started.

I'm just sharing my methods to perform certain moves. The way and the purpose people give to theese methods (and many others they'll discover by their own) and the practice they put on shoppa will in the end make'em unique shoppa players. So I'm sorry if somehow this topic misleadingly pretends to be the ultimate algorithm to be a good shoppa; it's just a basic shoppa-moves compilation.

.Elias's picture
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I'm new at Hedgewars, and very newbie at shoppa/rope, so those advices will be very helpful. I think I almost got right at bouncing Wink Smiley

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