Player names next to team names

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm not sure whether or not this feature had been requested but it would be nice if ingame there would be a player name next to our team names. Many of us have multiple teams and unless your team contains your name it's hard to tell who commands it.

I believe this would be quite easy to implement, at least as an optional function, eg. show player names next to team names (true/false).

I attached an image of how I imagined it.

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It has been suggested a few times, and I must agree, every time I join to spectate a room for example, I never know who's who.
I've suggested adding a 4th field above the hedgy's heads for example (those are easy to turn on and off as needed).

It just doesn't seem to be something very high at all in the priority list.

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I opened btw.

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Even easier, just add a little table to the ESCape!

User User 2 User 3
------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------
team 1 team 3 team 5
team 2 team 4 team 6
------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

User 4 User 5 User 6
------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------
team 1 team 3 team 5
team 2 team 4 team 6
------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

(err, this looked way better when editing... all the spaces get ignored when posted)

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