Just got 48 kills in a turn

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doomy's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 hours 24 min ago. Offline
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It was easy,just took lots of time.

First you need 6 teams.Then make a game and put the settings to:
Scheme:Any scheme(you may have to create one)that has "attacking does not end turn"(do not have indestructible boarder)
Weapons:infinite amount of:extra time,teleportation,switch hedgehog,and sine gun.Choose any map(besides generated maps)that has a limit of 48 hogs(I used bamboo plinko).Put all 6 teams on then have each one with 8 hogs.Once you start,1.keep using extra time until the time doesn't even show.This will give you 16+ minutes for this turn.2.Teleport to the top left corner.3.Switch to the next hog.Repeat steps 2 and 3(if not 1st hog,jump on next hogs head and walk to the edge of the hog.)until all hogs on team on on the stairs.Skip on last hog on team.Keep doing this for all teams.Once all teams are up there,use the 1st hog from the 1st team to use the sine gun in the opposite direction of the stairs.All of the hogs should fall off.Then you shall be ruler of the game!Crown!

Optional:use capture the flag game mode for practice

mikade's picture
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You find the weirdest things fun, doomy. oO

Hedgewars Developer

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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I've killed a whole team in one turn but never 48 hogs.

Never tried it with more than 4 teams.

doomy's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 hours 24 min ago. Offline
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mikade allegedly wrote:

You find the weirdest things fun, doomy. oO

Its even weirder when you make and arch and use cake Big Grin

doomy's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 hours 24 min ago. Offline
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I thought about doing 48 kills in one turn outside an indestructible boarder,but it was going to take too long.I cant explain it,and I don't know how to record it.

rockachu2's picture
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I did something close to this by accident with a well-placed hellish grenade. Oops. Got my team too!

Game over.

My favorite sport: nerd sniping.

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