Gymnasium - Can't Connect

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm trying to play a LAN-game on my school with a friend. We both use MacBooks and it seems to work sometimes. But sometimes, when we create a game, it just stays on the "Connecting..." screen!

Would like if someone could help us, what were doing wrong and why it only works sometimes.

Thanx you.

User offline. Last seen 7 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2010-12-27
Posts: 22

Maybe the port is currently blocked by another application or there're too many users.
I don't know, how the LAN-System of your school is working ...

"Gymansium" => Sporthalle!!!
Es gibt keine direkte Übersetzung, daher würde ich "High School" empfehlen, die dem Gymnasium ähnelt.

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