Snow music (+voices ?)

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Mr.Helium's picture
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Hi everyone !

With my cousin, last week end, we've played Hedgewars for a long time and we used very much the snow track... At least, we both though that the snow music was a bit aggressive...

Sorry for the composer of this music, I have much respect for him because he done it anyway :p

So... I want to know if it is possible that with one theme, we can have several music and when you play, a music is chosen randomly...
I don't know if I'm comprehensible...

Okay, anyway, I've made a track for the snow theme... If you want to keep it, you can, if you prefer the other version, I will not be angry ^^

I think, I will do a French voice pack, I think I'm better at speaking French than English Wink Smiley

Okay, there is my track : Smile

Thomas's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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sorry, nothing against your ambience music style but:
your track has nothing to do with winter, christmas, snow... and i dont think that the original track is more "aggressive" then yours!

please add your xfire accountname here:

Mr.Helium's picture
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Okay... Excuse me...
So... Is there a theme which there is no music ? It will be great if I could help Wink Smiley

User offline. Last seen 14 years 6 days ago. Offline
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My jungle theme still needs some music and until now I couldn't find a good (and free) track, which fits to the theme.

If you are interested, here is the link:

User offline. Last seen 14 years 6 days ago. Offline
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I love this song, I'll agree it's not much "snow"y, but it's still awesome... xD

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