[MISSION] TeleporterRace

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It was only an idea while having some drinks with ΔαρκΜορδρεδ and mmm. They forced me to write the lua.

And here is the map:
http://www.mediafire.com/?7cc54c4v3ocqa1k (v1.1)
its a race with Teleporters.

It's the first version... it can be buggy, and doesn't looks so nice. The Lua is the important thing.

Randy's picture
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Oh thx i want to play it. Good job!

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Cool, I see you used my teleporter code from CTF_Blizzard as a base and added to it. Big Grin
What you have here is based off 0.9.15, though. It's a bit outdated. Sloooowpoke!

If you want teleporters that are less prone to bugs, I advise you take a look at the revisions I did to the teleporters in the dev version of Hedgewars. That is to say, if you track the rope gear and its elasticity you can probably make this work better.

Anyway, good luck making a more attractive map.
Will be interested to see how this develops.

Edit: Oh, and welcome to the forums. Wink Smiley

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Hey guys, me and some shoppa players tried it out and its a lot of fun,
it is a bit buggy but as stated it is only the first version and
i think that when improved it'll be amazing.

I think my best time for just 1 lap was 18 secs. =D

Sir TToby
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yeah it is great!

for me it looks okay, i don't care about that... it is just a bit annoying that it is quite jerkey Wink Smiley
and i got at least a 19.0 ^^

thanks you for that race man!

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Oh Blue, Toby we have other race. Now i play is good man. Thomas udapted this one on the forum.haha.


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User offline. Last seen 13 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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thx for playing, and the good feedback

I made some improvements:


it is just a bit annoying that it is quite jerkey

I made less effects on the teleporters... i hope it works better now

And there was a bug if there are to many hogs in game. The last ones couldn't play...

Thats all for now.

If you want teleporters that are less prone to bugs, I advise you take a look at the revisions I did to the teleporters in the dev version of Hedgewars. That is to say, if you track the rope gear and its elasticity you can probably make this work better.

I think the "CTF Blizzard - strategy" is good... where is the bug?
And can you say, where i can find the code, or can you post it here, please?

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Nice! good job man

enjoying it a lot, thanks.



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i just tried this out on my own
and actually really liked it Big Grin

but.. on my third time playing it.. my hog got embeded in the ground next
to a teleporter Sad Smiley

anyways nice map Big Grin

betancourt1's picture
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Please upload again or someone who has it Sad Smiley


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