What do you think about a new tournament of Default?

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Randy's picture
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The rules have been uploaded to this Topic:

<<< http://www.hedgewars.org/node/2852 >>>

If you want you can register now!

RANDY Venom! and CLAYMORE Glasses! hahaha :p Good Luck for all

HeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeartHeart HeartHeartHeart HeartHeartHeart


Hi, we discussed more about the tournament and here are the news.

Well this tournament, we want the most fun for players, so we want you to decide on some rules.


# Unlimited seduction, mudball
# Baseball bat delayed 3 turns instead of 2.
# 5 mines instead of 2.
# No cake, rc plane, hammer, birdy, drill strike, flying saucer, resurrector and 2 rope.
# ((Shared weapons when playing with teams))
# 1 switch, delayed 1 turn Un interruptor, un retraso a su vez.
# 1 portal, delayed.
# Higher probability of rc plane, cake, ballgun etc in crates.
# More mines and barrels.
# Sudden death in 12 turns instead of 15.


* Unlimited seduction,
* No cake, RC plane, dinamit, resurrector and 3 rope.
* Sudden death in 15 rounds.
* More mines no barrels.

WHAT YOU WANT 1 or 2 ?

Girder Girder Girder

1-SCHEME for tournament

# Each round is best of 3 games. I'm not sure whether losers should be eliminated, or whether they should be able to keep playin.

2-SCHEME for tournament

* The best of 3 rounds and the final will be a triangular if an odd number of players. Smile

Randy and claymore

Girder Girder Girder


HI WE HAVE one surprise whit claymore

''Yes surprise :D'' We thought about doing a tournament official and we do not know what you think about it.

The rules and tournament time we do not know.

Sorry if anything;) Have: cake: neither dynamite and rope, but then talk about it ....

Give us news if you want to participate because

Randy and claymore.

Question you want 1vs1 or 2vs2. that more fun Smile

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m110h's picture
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I can not take part. but I'll watch the demo, if the tournament starts.

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Not committing myself to anything yet, but I would like to find interested players. I suggest my own game scheme, which is roughly default with the following changes:

  • 2 clusters instead of 3
  • Unlimited seduction, mudball
  • Baseball bat delayed 3 turns instead of 2
  • 5 mines instead of 2
  • No cake, rc plane, hammer, birdy, rope, drill strike, flying saucer, resurrector
  • Shared weapons when playing with teams
  • 1 switch, delayed 1 turn
  • 1 girder, delayed 4,5,6 turns
  • 1 portal, delayed
  • Higher probability of rc plane, cake, ballgun etc in crates
  • More mines and barrels
  • Sudden death in 12 turns instead of 15
  • 5% chance of duds, so you can't rely on them

[Rationale: Rope and Flying saucer make it far too easy to score kills, and non-shoppa fanatics will be at a disadvantage. Hammer is poorly animated, ineffective and uses the whip sound so I'd rather never see it (sorry Smaxx :p). Girder is too easily abused, particularly for walling in players in the early stages of the game. Mines/barrels make the game interesting and have obvious strategic uses.]


...suggest your own game scheme. Vanilla default, Pro Mode, or Random Weapon (kind of reluctant to do this one though, it's too reliant on luck to lend itself to a suitable tournament scheme).

Other aspects of tournament format are yet to be decided. Please post your ideas.

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mikade's picture
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Proposed weapon set sounds kinda interesting (nice alternative to pro-mode), but I'm still more inclined towards a 4-to-6-hog default tournament. That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to the removal of the Portal Gun.

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Mrock's picture
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No rope Sad Smiley ?

Im in anyways!

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I prefer random wep tournament but default is OK too. :p

My wishlist and some questions.

No portable gun, cos it's too easy to kill many hogs during one turn.
5 hogs
1 vs 1

random map and random starting positions every time? If you can chooce your position it is more tactic but less fun?

Randy's picture
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No rope Sad Smiley ?

Im in anyways!

Thanks, I think 2 ropes is good. Smile

Proposed weapon set sounds kinda interesting (nice alternative to pro-mode), but I'm still more inclined towards a 4-to-6-hog default tournament. That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to the removal of the Portal Gun.

I am of the idea to make the portal of the set as well, (ThanksSmile

I prefer random wep tournament but default is OK too. :p

My wishlist and some questions.

No portable gun, cos it's too easy to kill many hogs during one turn.
5 hogs
1 vs 1

random map and random starting positions every time? If you can chooce your position it is more tactic but less fun?

Well, the map always will have the filter medium.
5 hogs seems to me many hogs to the filter medium, and the positions Shocking

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Inu's picture
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I've actually tried making a "Semi-Pro" mode before, had a lot of feedback from loads of games, tho that was back on .13. My current suggestion is:

[ random timer on mines ! ]

2 teleports (so people have the chance of getting their hogs unstuck)
2 grinders (delay: 3)
2 drills
1 blowtorch
1 rope (delay: 2) (no rushing for the easier kills, everyone has the chance to think first)
1 portals (delay: 4)
unl. grenades
unl. bazooka
1 ressurector (delay: 5)
2 seduction (delay: 1)
1 mortar (delay: 2)
unl. desert eagle
8 shotguns
2 cluster grenades
1 molotov
2 sniper
0 basebal bat (delay: 3)
0 plane (delay: 5)
0 ballgun (delay 5)
0 piano strike (delay: 8)
0 dinamite (delay: 2)
0 mines (delay: 2)
0 hammer
1 whip (delay: 4)
0 "UFO" (delay: 6)
0 parachute (delay: 2)

no matter what kind of setup it is I think it should never include:
start with more than 1 rope
be able to swap\switch hog (doesn't even drop inside boxes), if you wanna make it drops inside boxes, should have delay 6+

Randy's picture
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2 teleports (so people have the chance of getting their hogs unstuck)
2 grinders (delay: 3)
2 drills
1 blowtorch
1 rope (delay: 2) (no rushing for the easier kills, everyone has the chance to think first)
1 portals (delay: 4)
unl. grenades
unl. bazooka
1 ressurector (delay: 5)
2 seduction (delay: 1)
1 mortar (delay: 2)
unl. desert eagle
8 shotguns
2 cluster grenades
1 molotov
2 sniper
0 basebal bat (delay: 3)
0 plane (delay: 5)
0 ballgun (delay 5)
0 piano strike (delay: 8)
0 dinamite (delay: 2)
0 mines (delay: 2)
0 hammer
1 whip (delay: 4)
0 "UFO" (delay: 6)
0 parachute (delay: 2)

I think that so many delays will be difficult for the organizers to verify. Although late to give the rope 2 rounds is a good idea,
The mortar is not used much in Default so theres no problem there. I think with dynamite porn with delay of 3 rounds. (We have to see what you think claymore) Inu Thanks, see you in the tournament.

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Randy allegedly wrote:
I think with dynamite porn with delay of 3 rounds. (We have to see what you think claymore)

Well I can only guess what "dynamite porn" might be, but I'm happy to make compromises. Smile

I took dynamite out of my set because it's pretty much an "insta-kill" in a large number of situations. Massively damaging and the knockback capabilities of a baseball bat!

I know all the shoppers will want rope. But seriously, it makes killing far too easy, and puts the non-shoppers at a huge disadvantage. So if nemo joins we'll put it in, then we might stand a chance. Hellish Hand Grenade

@Erkit: We can fall back on Random Wep if all else fails. It's fun, but it isn't really meaningful to make a tournament out of it. The winner is just the luckiest.

Wrt portal gun, I don't really mind. It's just I removed all the other ways of getting around the map from my own scheme, and there's some skill involved in using it. Maybe Flying Saucer would be a better idea.

Choosing starting positions is fairer of course, but does take quite a bit of time. I prefer just making the most of what I'm given (just me). Number of hogs should depend on map size.

@Inu: Why restrict mortar so heavily? And whip? And seduction? You haven't mentioned fire punch. And no mines? Why so anti-switch that it can't even appear in boxes? There is some skill in choosing the right time to use it.

Randy's picture
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[/b]You want just 1 rope whit delay of 1 rounds for move if you are down?[b]

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i like set 2. i'd like to participate Big Grin

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Hi Missed thx for comment,! Melon

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Inu's picture
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This topic is very misleading, this is not the default mode at all.
It's more like a... non-shoppa tournament with rules closer to default than the other sets.

Personally think both mods need the ropes decreased to 1, 0 switch player and no UFO's.
So no preference to any of them yet. :P

And btw, the point of the weapon set that I made was supposed to slowly give weapons to players to make the game faster each round and also make the players think ahead as every round new weapons are unlocked, plus having only 1 rope makes them save it more instead of 'wasting' 1-2 for cheap kills.

JstKeepBreathng's picture
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Hmm well i like the idea of a default tournament altho with all these changes it isnt really defauly anymore. Anyways, i'd like to suggest my own weapon set and game scheme which i think would be the best for a nice gameplay.

Weapon Set:
- unlimited bazooka
- 2 mortar
- 1 drill rocket (delay 1 turn)
- unlimited mudball
- unlimited grenade
- 1 cluster bomb
- 1 molotov cocktail
- 1 cheese
- 2 shotgun
- unlimited desert eagle
- 1 sniper rifle
- 1 flame thrower
- unlimited fire punch
- unlimited whip
- 1 baseball bat (delay 2 turns)
- 2 mines
- 1 air attack (delay 4 turns)
- 1 napalm (delay 4 turns)
- 2 pickhammer
- 3 blow torch
- 1 grinder
- 1 rope
- 2 parachute
- 1 teleportation

I think it's a good idea to leave the destructive weapons out because else the game will be too easy. But beceause its basically pro mode now, i think 1 napalm and air attack should be allowed. 1 grinder would mean that you can protect urself from these attacks. Because there's no birdy or flying saucer, 1 rope shouldn't affect the gameplay that much. Oh and i think the portal device should be left out cause you can get 2 kills with this weapon if you know how to use it. And there shouldnt be any switch turns at all because that makes killing someone too easy.

Game Scheme:
- 30 secs, instead of 45, because else the game takes forever x_x'
- Sudden Death timeout 12 (with 4 hogs each)
- crate drops every 2 turns (60% health crates) (20 health)
- more mines and barrels but it really depends on the size of the map

About the crates, since there are no destructive weapons in the weapon set, i think the possibilty to get these weapons should be higher than the normal weapons. I think you shouldnt be able to get the ballgun, hell grenade and watermelon, just only the cake and dynamite. Also not the far range weapons such as drill attack, air attack and the others ones. You already have 2 of them in ur weapon set and that should be enough. Also no unvulnerable and attack x 1,5 and all the other lame stuff. Just only the weapons with which you can actually attack. Oh yeah, and i think there shouild be only 40% of getting a weapon to make the game more interesting.

Oh yeah and i think best out of 3 turns is a good idea.


I'm a fox =P

nemo's picture
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How about keeping default set, just increasing the number of hedgehogs on a team by 2?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Randy's picture
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Can be nemo, but if the maps will filter medium could not be. Thx

And good idea JKB, but 30 sec is like pro mode dont like that.

132456 Smile

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Randy's picture
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On Tuesday, the rules will be posted for sure, thanks for the comments have been useful.

Smile Sad Smiley

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wolfmarc's picture
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who is organizing it? Randy ?

just to make sure to who I can do my complains Smile

a new tournament is a gr8 idea but i feel like there's a lack of organization

-peace peace


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The organizers are myself and claymore, thanks for the comment.
Now we are discussing with claymore went to the organization of the tournament, rules and time thanksSmile

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Good Luck man

The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

mikade's picture
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Hey Randy, I notice you changed your signature to imply the tourney is default / pro. Are you guy's going with those two modes, or do you mean your tournament is a fusion of those two things?

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doubledutch's picture
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I would love to get my hands on the "official" tournament weapon set/settings so that I can start setting up rooms with this weapon set/game mode to get some practice in. It would be great (if all goes well and a satisfactorily large amount of people are happy with it) to have an official "Tournament" game mode/setting in the game... something definitive for future tournaments (may ease planning in the future) where everybody's on the same page and knows what's going on rather than having only a few people with the saved "Tournament Mode" in their client. Let's make hedgewars an Olympic Sport (I would no doubt NOT make the American team if this were to become the case)!

Inu's picture
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Might as well add the Artillery (classic) mode while you're at it next version, still puzzles me why it's still missing!

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Good Luck man

Ok man, thx Smile

Hey Randy, I notice you changed your signature to imply the tourney is default / pro. Are you guy's going with those two modes, or do you mean your tournament is a fusion of those two things?

Mikade Hello! If it means that is a set of arms between Default and Pro Mode Deagle! Venom!

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Randy's picture
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I would love to get my hands on the "official" tournament weapon set/settings so that I can start setting up rooms with this weapon set/game mode to get some practice in. It would be great (if all goes well and a satisfactorily large amount of people are happy with it) to have an official "Tournament" game mode/setting in the game... something definitive for future tournaments (may ease planning in the future) where everybody's on the same page and knows what's going on rather than having only a few people with the saved "Tournament Mode" in their client. Let's make hedgewars an Olympic Sport (I would no doubt NOT make the American team if this were to become the case)!

HELLO Double, Thank you, if we leave the weapon set default''tournaments''but if people want to modify it but can keep the default for other tournaments. The rules will be uploaded soon

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Randy's picture
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Might as well add the Artillery (classic) mode while you're at it next version, still puzzles me why it's still missing!

Oh that sounds really good, you do not porfa: pee: just WAITING / advance the tournament began on 11 April and 1 the SIGNS UP. (claymore kill me not to anticipate)

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And they are the Rules :p

INU you can play now Smile

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So this is final weapon set, no other changes?

Each game will use *this* weapon set. It's a compromise based on this thread; that is, default minus RC Plane, Cake, Dynamite and Portal Gun, with 1 rope instead of 4, 2 cluster bombs instead of 3, 1 girder delayed 3 turns instead of 2 girders, and unlimited seduction and mudball.

So 3 switches and 2 teleports? And should i disable also rc and dinamite and cake on probabilities menu?

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And when second game is starting and is my opponent turn to start, should I skip my turn or start new game?

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Most yes, but reduce to 1 the switch and took the Resurrector

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