Mods aka Missions You Can Download in the Game Window

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Da Dominator
Da Dominator's picture
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There needs to be a place in the game where people can post mods/missions and people can easily browse them and find them.(similar to civilization on civfanatics but in the app)

It could also have a section that teaches people how to make there own missions.


p.s. One thing it should have is that it deletes missions that haven't been downloaded in about 3-6 months to weed out bad/stupid/boring missions.


mikade's picture
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I think there need to be more missions, first. Really, the only missions I can think of that have yet to be included in hw are an ancient UFO Training, a few rope challenges, and doomy's Save The World thing.

At the moment most people post/browse missions in the forum's audio/graphics section. Seems to work okay.

Hedgewars Developer

Da Dominator
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Yeah I guess but I wish there was an easier way to make missions. Sad Smiley Hellish Hand Grenade


Cairo's picture
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Has most of the stuff you need to make your own. Look at the missions that are included in Hedgewars too.

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Henek's picture
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It probably wouldn't be easier doing the mission inside of the game unless there would be an extensive amount of thought and work put into it. But I am sort of pondering about whither I would like to make at least a code editor, with some helpful features like highlighting and maybe some helpful features (code insertion, syntax checking and more), though I have a lot on my plate right now.
But for now I would suggest going to the wiki as Cairo mentioned and if you want more help you can contact me (preferably on irc if I am present there).
And I think the two posters above also would help if you asked them nicely.

One of those hedgewars developers. I am specially knowledgeable in lua scripting, and the father of gameplay scripts.

Da Dominator
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Thanks!!! Big Grin


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