Mission/Gameplay Ideas Submission Thread.

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Cairo's picture
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This is the place where YOU can submmit your ideas for a gameplay mode, or a mission! I, or any other script maker, can then pick any ideas that have been submited and make them if we think they are any good. Smile

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mikade's picture
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Most people probably don't understand the limits on scripting, but...
Nice idea. Big Grin

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nemo's picture
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Well, I know the shoppa guys want a portal shoppa mode, one where time between shots is reduced.
We will also need to add a game flag to speed up changing of angles though, which was the other change they wanted.

Don't know if any other stuff could be usefully added.

Since you're monitoring in scripting, you could perhaps track portal accomplishments. Kills in turn, fastest speed without injuring yourself, farthest ports...

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Randy's picture
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nemo is right, as a shopper I would like to play this mission in 9.16: But at the same time I like to have a way to play shoppa what the movements have the double speed.Movements that are twice the speed (as a double-speed mode)

And another mission to improve your aim. Shoppa new maps to play: p

too much eh? haha good luck on 9,16

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Here are some ideas since I would like to make one of them during the Summer of Code. Obviously, I didn't put my head in the code yet then I don't know if those ideas can be implement.

Sticky mode:
A mode where jumping is forbidden but we can walk in any surface with no regard for the gravity. I don't know if delete the jump move is a good idea, but being able to shot from a wall or a roof may give a new game play perspective.

Infinite mode:
Instead of putting water or wall at the left and the right of the level, it would be fun to be able to join the left side by the right side and vice versa. This way, it would be impossible to be out of the fight at any moment. This approach the idea already to "implement planet mode" while staying on a rectangular map and without changing the engine (I guess).

Planet mode and Tube mode:
The planet mode doesn't have to be describe. The tube mode is almost the same, but instead of playing on the planet surface, we play inside with a reversed gravity. This way it's possible to hit an enemy in the other side of the level. Moreover, the more closer we are from the core of the level, the softer is the gravity.

Draft mode:
Before the match, each team leader choose a limited number of weapon that the other team will not be able to use. Some more thing can be add, like a choice for an unlimited ammo weapon, a bonus for the team (moon boots, high life, bigger explosion etc).

That's all for the moment. Like I said, I'm not familiar with the code yet so I hope some feedback about the feasibility of those ideas and moreover, if you would enjoy to play one of those modes.

I've just discovered this game so maybe all those modes already exist. In that case, making a mode editor would be an other idea that I guess has already been proposed.


Cairo's picture
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1) That sounds rather like planet mode, which is one of the GSoC ideas.
2) That would be possible in a script, nice idea!
3) See 1) and 4)
4) That would need to be a theme option methinks.

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Randy's picture
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Which is my idea the - 3) ?

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Da Dominator
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Build Mode-
I tried to make it if you saw my post but I don't know how to script. Sad Smiley

What it could be like:

-the first three turns you can only build making your own unique defenses
-mainly a two player mode(right now) with two islands to begin your fortresses on
-Default like weapons once you get started

Hopes(I don't know code or script so I don't believe I can do this stuff)(if you can you are welcome to help):

-be able to build then place your guys or place a guy a turn and be able to build on that turn
-have a new mud/terrain weapon(similar to flamethrower)(or mudballs that leave terrain where they hit)
-make it so only the construction is replenished each turn not all the weapons


-you could make it so both teams are on opposite sides or you could allow them to be on either island when placing teams

thx Smile


doomy's picture
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Da Dominator allegedly wrote:

Build Mode-
I tried to make it if you saw my post but I don't know how to script. Sad Smiley

What it could be like:

-the first three turns you can only build making your own unique defenses
-mainly a two player mode(right now) with two islands to begin your fortresses on
-Default like weapons once you get started

Hopes(I don't know code or script so I don't believe I can do this stuff)(if you can you are welcome to help):

-be able to build then place your guys or place a guy a turn and be able to build on that turn
-have a new mud/terrain weapon(similar to flamethrower)(or mudballs that leave terrain where they hit)
-make it so only the construction is replenished each turn not all the weapons


-you could make it so both teams are on opposite sides or you could allow them to be on either island when placing teams

thx Smile

you mean something like this?

Cairo's picture
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Well you can't really make a new weapon in scripts. It's really unfortunate, but I can't do anything about it. Sad Smiley

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