I would like to report a player for continuous verbal abuse / profanity.
Hello Hedgewars,
I would like to report a player for continuous misconduct. The players name is "*player-name-censored-by-admin*".
This player has verbally abused not only me, but a number of other people for a long time now. He has a pattern of entering my room, asking (nicely) to play, and then getting angered for whatever reasons (losing, making a mistake, etc). He often reacts using profanity toward other players, and degrading them using words like "idiot" and "noob" (more harsh words can be seen in screenshots).
Incidentally, this all began when I tried to stand up for another player. I entered a room and noticed that he was being really rude toward someone else, using hateful words simply because they were beating him. I told him to stop being immature and relax, which obviously, just made it worse.
This has been going on for weeks now and I think its time to put a stop to it. *player-name-censored-by-admin* in NO way contributes positively to the Hedgewars community, and I think serious action should be taken to prevent him from ruining the Hedgewars experience for other players, and exposing younger players to such vulgar language.
Hopefully others who have experienced what I have will see this thread, and share their own experiences with this player as well.
Today, I got sick and tired of it, so I decided to take some screen-shots. The screen-shots were taken after he abruptly left due to losing, and include what he was saying during the match.
These quotes are completely out of any sort of context (not helped by the fact that each screenshot shows only one line of chat), and from what we can see he hasn't said anything much. The map sucks, well I'm sure it does. And as for for constituting "verbal abuse", I think you need to grow a thicker skin.
Bottom line. Trying to embarrass *player-name-censored-by-admin* on the forum like this achieves nothing. If you were really offended you wouldn't play with him, would add him to your "ignore" list (right-click, ignore). And stop trolling.
Sorry, but that was EXTREMELY ignorant of you to say..
I'm pretty sure it's against the rules not to harass other players. You're telling me to "stop trolling"? HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO REPORT SOMEONE? On a lot of games i've played, you report someone via forums, and put screenshots as proof.
Not being in context, so what? Can you tell me a situation when saying "idiot" and "bitch" wouldn't be directed toward another person?
First of all, i'm not trying to embarrass him, i'm trying to report him if you read the thread title. And this actually does achieve something. It makes the Hedgewars community better by getting rid of people who constantly harass people in game and cause problems. If you hadn't noticed, this section of the Forum is called SUPPORT. Hedgewars staff knows that there are younger players (including my other brother, who is 11) who play this game, and it isn't appropriate for them to see these things.
Ignorant, rude, and irrelevant. The only thing you accomplish by saying that is taking away from your argument and making yourself look disrespectful..
You fail to see the point of reporting someone. It isn't just me that he has been harassing, and he will continue to do so unless something is done. Ignoring someone might solve the problem for you, but is it really helping the community as a whole?
Im shocked that you're giving ME trouble for trying to report someone? HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED A GAME BEFORE? This is clearly against the rules. It seems to me that you're probably a friend of *player-name-censored-by-admin*, otherwise why would you try to backlash against this.
Please, tell me how you can justify someone saying words like "
" while in the presence of an eleven year old? Don't tell me it's his own fault for playing this game, because its supposed to be child friendly. Obviously there are risks when going on the internet, but nevertheless, it is AGAINST THE RULES. Do you honestly think Hedgewars staff tolerates the use of profanity on their game? Stop trying to discourage others from reporting players who break the rules..
Hi Taylor,
Thank you for your report, but as claymore tried to point out:
Reports of this nature should happen in private with an admin, rather than being a publicly visible complaint.
(Since that causes drama, and we don't like drama, do we?)
I do understand your concern and we try to discourage inappropriate behavior on the official server whenever we can.
But: Please keep in mind that this game has, unlike MMOGs, no account-enforcement, player character progress, items, rewards, achievements, etc.; at least not yet.
This makes e.g. banning an account or name not much of a real punishment since the user can just login under a new name -> therefore our possibilities to deal with inappropriately behaving individuals are limited.
If you want to protect your little brother against verbal profanity, I'd recommend letting him play only with friends you already know in your rooms, rather than against strangers (since they can always turn out to be immature and rude), maybe even on a private server with them.
The least you could do is to add that particular player to your brother's ignore-list (right click his name in the chat nick list) so that his chat will be hidden.
Side-note: Upcoming versions of Hedgewars will make it easier to play with friends only or to keep unwanted players from joining your room.
I hope you and your brother still enjoy playing Hedgewars,
have a nice day.
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Thanks alot sheepluva!
I will definitely take your advice. I look forward to future hedgewars where bans will be possible . Next time I will talk to an admin privately.
Thanks again.