Random weapon variants

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User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Some variants of Random Weapon to try. Goes in hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer.

Basically, it's Random Weapon with a twist. If you're the unlucky sort (like moi) and get junk like DEagles every turn, you'll get one or two extra bits of junk (Seduction, Mudball) to play with.

RW V2: Each weapon is assigned a value of sorts, say Seduction=1 and Melon=7, that I've picked arbitrarily based on its approximate strength. Each turn you'll get some combination of weapons such that they total 8 in value.

Example: Seduction(1) and Melon(7), Grenade(2), Mine(2), Drill Rocket(4).

RW V3: Like 2, but 3 points-worth, and you keep any unused weapons from previous rounds. Weapons are priced between 1 and 3.

RW V4: Like 2, but 3 points-worth. Weapons are priced between 1 and 3.

They're a bit of a mess, but I think V4 is quite fun.

I tried to stop more than one of each weapon from appearing, but it doesn't seem to work. If anyone could help fix this I'd be grateful!

EDIT: Fixed, and now concentrating on V4 which I've renamed Balanced Random Weapon. Seems quite popular for some reason. http://www.wikiupload.com/76FDDS84KSXLGST

EDIT 2: Thanks for uploading guys Wink Smiley

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Ok, it's fixed, thanks sheepluva! Here's the final script: http://www.wikiupload.com/NT2W8EAGJVKMIKC http://www.wikiupload.com/76FDDS84KSXLGST

.Elias's picture
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Thanks, gonna try this now Flying

Edit, ew it says "Sorry, File not found! " Sad Smiley

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claymore allegedly wrote:

Ok, it's fixed, thanks sheepluva! Here's the final script: http://www.wikiupload.com/NT2W8EAGJVKMIKC

Link invalid... :O XD

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doubledutch's picture
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This mode is sick. I love it!

On Windows, unzip that script (2 files?) and place it in:
D:\Program Files\Hedgewars 0.9.15\share\hedgewars\Data\Scripts\Multiplayer

On Linux:

On Mac:
programs -> hedgewars (open files) -> contents -> resources -> hedgewars -> data -> scripts -> multiplayer

...can't find it on your Mac? Open "FINDER" and type in "Hedgewars"!

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Really nice variants clay, I whould the RW4 on the next version.

Big Grin

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here's files up to 05/12/2011

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claymore your link is down again, try to upload to a securer site and update first post .D

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Why it's not like this: there's a weapon randomly chosen for the first turn, each team uses it for its first turn, then second weapon and so on?

User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Mmmh...I didn't consider that, but I'm not sure... it would definitely be fairer, but possibly a bit dull with the same weapons being used over and over.

.Elias's picture
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So far i liked this, played few games yesterday, only thing i found, you could see people spamming aerial attacks too often, but i guess it was part of the randomness

Great kind of game Wink Smiley

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When I first introduced random weapons I did infact make it so that it would give each team the same weapon each round, discussing this on irc however we decided this was more fair as the succeeding teams get longer time to plan out their moves.

One of those hedgewars developers. I am specially knowledgeable in lua scripting, and the father of gameplay scripts.

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User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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I'm thinking about merging Stukr's random weapon basket's improvements (*) into BRW in head, and renaming the script to Random Weapon Basket (I like this name better).

@Henek: I think in practice doing it my way has worked out better. The "balanced" aspect of the script (that is, trying to dish out roughly equally capable weapon sets) takes care of the fairness aspect, I hope.

(*): allowing utilities in weapon sets and restricting the weapons you can get if your team has more than the average team health.

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