Terrain generation

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all!

I'm an indie developer and we are creating an hedgewars/worms clone. We are not sure how to generate the terrain. We have looked at metaballs, midpoint displacement, etc... Basically we would like to get terrains similar to the ones you have in hedgewars, with caves and overhangs, but, we would like to avoid creating holes. Maybe someone here could point us the right direction or explain us a bit how it is done in hedgewars.

By the way, congrats to you all, great commnunity and great open source game!

sheepluva's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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From what I know we use template curves for landscape generation.
These curves are varied by applying random offsets.
By using curves that are far enough from each other to avoid resulting holes you may be able to accomplish what you are looking for.

That method ofc isn't the most "random" possible one, but that's what we use afaik.
(that's why random maps often seem familiar, although they are actually different, but based on the same template players played on before)

Thanks for your kind words and good luck with you indie game Smile

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unC0Rr's picture
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sheepluva is right. We use templates, which are passed through wave transformation several times with defferent parameters. Couldn't manage to invent something better.

Koda's picture
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instead of creating a clone, why don't you join us? Smile
together we are stronger!!!

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