Shoppa Sky & EarthRise 2

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Jeremy's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Shoppa Sky:

- Download :

EarthRise 2:

- Download :
>> For shoppa or others, this map seems easy but.. Wink Smiley
>> Rocks can move, or not ^^
>> It is necessary to show reflection.

I hope you will like these maps!

Have fun!

Smile team : M.BELLAMY

badabouh's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-05-11
Posts: 12

Hey nice maps,

I prefer EarthRise 2 : background is terrible ! it mislead me Aghh !!!!

And there is no right to make mistakes.... ( *PLOUF* Frozen hog! )

Thanks !


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