whats longet lasting room?

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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i hi am new and like to say combz i want three hours of my life back.
and whats the longest lasting room?

User offline. Last seen 13 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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i think its around 9 hours

User offline. Last seen 9 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
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I hosted a shoppa room that lasted 7 hours yesterday . . . not sure what the longest is though.

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 51 weeks ago. Offline
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i hi am new and like to say combz i want three hours of my life back.
and whats the longest lasting room?

Some one was online 12 hours!!

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 4

thanks now i must beat it Big Grin

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