[Gameplay modes] Evil weapons + Mass Destruction + Total Destruction

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doomy's picture
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Evil weapons is an evil script.The weapon you use might be random(so beware when using dynamite!).It can help,but it can also hinder!

Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?zphhzv2u47fo6ey

P.S. If this reaches 10 downloads,I will release a script that I've been working on for a while.It will be great for quick matches.

UPDATE:Evil Weapons reached 10 downloads!Mass destruction has been released.All I can say is......Mass Destruction(Warning:may cause lag and even engine crash)

Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?4h71u4jq04c135c
UPDATE 2:67 downloads on Mass Destruction????????You guys must really love destroying maps! Wink Smiley
So,I have a new script for you: Total Destruction.It's 3 times more destructive than Mass Destruction!Note: 3 times the destruction,means 3 times the more chance of an engine crash.Use at your own risk!Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9290l7ihg87me20
Also,I would like to thank Izack1535 for promoting my scripts!Thanks!

Da Dominator
Da Dominator's picture
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I tried both of them and I love the mass destruction, though it may be better to tone it down a bit Wink Smiley .(kidding I love it how it is) The Evil weapons one has an error and won't work properly.(I'll post the error as soon as possible) I also posted a demo for anyone who wants to see what Mass Destruction is Smile .

the Error for Evil weapons is:
Lua: Failed to load Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua(error 3)
Lua: .../Contents/Resources/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua:7: unexpected symbol near ","

There is also an error when you use airstrikes on Mass Destruction something about weapon stacks.....its in the demo I posted if you want to look into it. It doesn't seem to change anything though.


doomy's picture
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Da Dominator allegedly wrote:

Lua: Failed to load Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua(error 3)
Lua: .../Contents/Resources/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua:7: unexpected symbol near ","

Da Dominator allegedly wrote:

There is also an error when you use airstrikes on Mass Destruction something about weapon stacks.....its in the demo I posted if you want to look into it. It doesn't seem to change anything though.

That's because so many things were added at once Wink Smiley

Da Dominator
Da Dominator's picture
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lol Trying it now.

Another Error Sad Smiley
Lua: Failed to load Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua(error 3)
Lua: .../Contents/Resources/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer/Evil_Weapons.lua:21: ')' expected near '='


doomy's picture
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EDIT:Fixed another bug,PVCopy should have been CopyPV

Da Dominator
Da Dominator's picture
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Lets try again. Wink Smiley
Works perfectly no bugs. Wink Smiley
Love it I just shot dynamite out of a bazooka. Smile


glum reaper
glum reaper's picture
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The mass destruction script is the most awesomely epic thing i've ever seen on a videogame. Smile

Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.

Djrulz's picture
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piano needs to be removed from mass destruction though

Da Dominator
Da Dominator's picture
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I agree with Djrulz its very annoying when your hog is killed because of that and he is on the other side of the map.
I edited it out on mine but then I couldn't use it on network games. Sad Smiley


doomy's picture
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i removed it
but don't you think the hogs should have to pay a price for the awesomeness? Wink Smiley

Djrulz's picture
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Da Dominator,you should played with me

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