Wed, 2011-06-08 18:23
hello, can somebody help me?
i need the hedgewars theme sheet music, im sure the creator have that. i know, this question is kinda off topic. but please, help me.
thank you
You need all Theme's music,? Maybe I can help
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
most of the music was created by hsr - his name and contact are in the game credits (click logo on main menu)
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I can't undestand, but here is the main_theme: http://www.mediafire.com/?8p0gbvcc4nofkxb
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
nevermind, this is stupid post anyway