Anyone have any interesting map seeds?

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nemo's picture
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Hey. I was curious if anyone had any interesting seeds for random maps, ones that if used made odd shapes or just were fun to play.

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nemo's picture
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Eh, due to lack of immediate responses, here's a moderately interesting seed.
If at first, you don't succeed.

Feed that into the seed field, using the Wacky filter, and you get tall/short/gulf of water/tall/short

Kind of fun with divide teams, although the right team does have a bit more height.

So, yeah. Interested in seed string, and what filter (regular generated/maze) was used.
Also, what theme, if it is the terrain object placement that is neat.

So, yeah, don't have to be spectacular maps, just ones you might find fun to play. a seed of just a single "." for example with a cavern filter generates a cavern with a narrow tunnel between the two halves for firing a portal through.

Autogenerated seeds welcome too!

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Randy's picture
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Okëj, here are my Seed Map: {715402cb-cbff-4ec0-b49e-a2526af002a7} ( is Shoppa Map)

* Filter: Wacky

* Theme: which you want

* Generated Map


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doomy's picture
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Try these with generated map and wacky filter(each line is a different map seed):
This was a triumph
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o rly?

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Star and Moon
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Try some of these:

Jimmy mcBob (Wacky)
Hedgworms (Cavern)
9.16 will rock (Large)
Epic Map is cool (Large Floating Isle)
Epic Map is awesome too (Med Float Isle)
This fun (Small float Isle)
Big (Large tunnel)
MazezaM (Med Tunnel)
Smile (Small Tunnel)

shadowzero78's picture
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{214e395a-9096-4cc8-acbf-dba46cb30ab0} on Island theme.
It's not thaaat awesome, but check thumbnail closely and discover the animal Wink Smiley


Star and Moon
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Great, Big, Unique.

This was was generated by the game in 9.18 but I thought it was really awesome and decided to share it.

Koda's picture
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these look great! how about hardcoding some in the frontend?

nemo's picture
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Koda allegedly wrote:

these look great! how about hardcoding some in the frontend?

Many of these will no longer load correctly in .18 due to the new large, cavern and wacky land.

Small and Medium should be unaffected.
And ofc new templates aren't added that often, so this isn't an unreasonable thing to do.
They are still usable for scripting if it specifies a template number.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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