another 2 interesting and cool suggestions

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User offline. Last seen 2 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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1. the option to have mines or barrels left behind dead hogs instead of tombs, in other words, if a hog dies, it leaves behind a mine or a barrel

2. improved physics, the option to have the landscape hurt you, like if the landscape is broken and leaves a piece of land floating, it should fall down and if a hog is underneath, it will hurt him or kill him, or even better, the piece would have a center of gravity and would fall on it's side.
and it would be awesome if it would also have a breaking point, if you shoot at the base of a weak piece of land, it would break from the weakest part of the bottom and fall, hopefully over hogs Wink Smiley

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TTV allegedly wrote:

2. improved physics, the option to have the landscape hurt you, like if the landscape is broken and leaves a piece of land floating, it should fall down and if a hog is underneath, it will hurt him or kill him, or even better, the piece would have a center of gravity and would fall on it's side.
and it would be awesome if it would also have a breaking point, if you shoot at the base of a weak piece of land, it would break from the weakest part of the bottom and fall, hopefully over hogs Wink Smiley

But this way we couldn't play on maps like Ilands whare we have only pieces of land hanging on in mid air Shocking

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