[Gameplay mode] Birthday Bash

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doomy's picture
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It's my birthday!
So now,I have a new gameplay mode for you.In Birthday Bash,you have only 2 different weapons:Hellish Bomb and Napalm.Each flame will be a ball from the ballgun.Then,after exploding,each ball will turn into...
CAKE! Big Grin Cake Just hope they don't fall into the water though.Nobody likes soggy cake.
Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?5dpgu556av5da6s

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Two words, AWE SOME. Wink Smiley Cake

I killed everyhog but two on the first turn using napalm!

Have a happy birthday!

EDIT: while playing it I got so many cakes to appear and the game crashed (It went back to the lobby)

User offline. Last seen 13 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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How can I use this mode on a Mac?

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