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betancourt1's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 35

Hi I wanted some information about demo's as, If theres to many demos does it stop recording?,if yes then want is the limit,if one is deleted where does it go,deleted from your computer? or placed somewhere else (trash etc),are there any bugs that stop recording? (on mac lion HW 15.2 btw) is there anyway to recover a lost demo? Is it possible that I have the file but doesn't show in the demo library?

I ask this because I really wanted to save a certain demo (it is on auto save btw every match I have is saved) but I couldn't find it in the library please answer these questions if you have my answers thank you.

Also is there some way to view the .hws files...not in insane fast mode? or convert them to watchable .hwd files?

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nemo's picture
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You can convert an hws to an hwd just by finishing the game.

If a demo did not save (or a save game file) you are pretty much out of luck. This really shouldn't happen though. Possibly if everything completely crashed. Frontend/backend.

As for space, demos are pretty tiny. I have 147 demos. They take up 2.1MiB of space - less than a single mp3. A modern hard drive, with, say, 40 gigabytes free, could store 3 million demos at that rate. Long before that you'd probably run into performance issues just loading the list of demos in Hedgewars.

If your computer was out of the even tiny amount of space a demo requires then it would just fail to write.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

betancourt1's picture
User offline. Last seen 9 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-06-01
Posts: 35

huh alright thanks for the info but is there some way to convert the hws. file into a hwd. afterwards...I moded trophy race so there will be a never ending loop of turns so I had to quit the game eventually BUT I had no problems viewing these never ending loop games before hand until it records them but I had an awesome run in trophy race that I really want proof that I did (aka. the demo I want) and alright

I just thought there was a limit on the demo's there could be seen at one time in the demo library lol it can't be that I have tons of space on my HD (in the GB's)



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