GSoC Android Port update #6
for the last couple of days I've been working on the Touch interface. This will allow the Android port to use it's touchscreen to control Hedgewars.
I've been implementing the Touch interface on the engine side, which means any set up, which allows SDL to send SDL_Touch events to the engine, will be able to make use of this interface. Good news for wacom and other touchdevice users for several OSses :)
Here's a few preview:
I could use some of your help tough;
At the moment I've implemented pinch to zoom(check the video if you don't know what pinch is), 'swiping' to move the camera around and a single click or tap to open the ammo menu.
What other ways to interface with Hedgewars via a touch screen would do like to see?
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Hmmm, dont have Multitouch so wouldnt work for me:(
Maybe we can try the "whirl clockwise" to zoom.. or the possibility of adding the +/- button in one corner for you (Thomas) and the people who doesn't have multitouch support.
I cannot think of anything else for helping your situation
here is a layout suggestion...
invisible controls in the middle of the screen, so when pressing on the left or right on the screen, the hog moves, when tapping in the middle it jumps, tapping twice jumps backward, and up-down used as up-down, and also invisible mixed controls for up-left up-right down-left down-right for when on the rope.
on the top left there would be a button for viewing map, when holding it down, you drag with another finger over the screen to see the map
on the top right, there should be a button for the weapon drawer, the drawer should be larger (if possible), so you can select the weapon by tapping on it, not scrolling
on the bottom left AND right, there should be a button for shooting. using 2 buttons for when on rope, to not have to cover the screen with one finger when going left or right (i hope u understand)
when on rope, tapping in the center of the screen shoots the weapon
if possible, move the time box top center with the wind or somewhere
if you like it, and/or you need me to make a sketch in photoshop, let me know
btw, thomas, sorry, but this game is way too complex to manage anything without multitouch... so xeli, keep the pinch zoom
The reason why it doesn't support single touch right now is, for one, time and the second reason is most devices that can't handle multi touch are not able to handle hedgewars anyways. But making it work with Single touch devices should be doable though.. perhaps in the future
Hello, thank you very much for your input
I definitely like the idea with the invisible buttons to move and jump. Plus your suggestion wrt the rope is very nice, I hadn't thought about that yet. Ill take it into consideration
Assuming weapon select won't have reversed mouse control (???), this is really coming along !
Movement commands seem like they'd best fit with taps on the screen relative to the active hog, which would largely have the same effect as invisible buttons but not require mentally dividing the screen. Of course there'd have to be a way to center the screen back on the hedgehog...
I like bug's suggestion. To build on it, I think as long as you hold your finger on some point on the ground the active hog should walk in the direction you're holding. Tap above and in front of the hog to jump forward, and above and behind the hog to jump backwards. Two fingers? to pan the map.
As for shooting, I'm not sure that it should be invisible. Mine has a track ball that's clickable which would be nice for shooting, but for users without that button I think a translucent button in the bottom right would be good.
Could the ringer volume control set the grenade timer?
@bug and TheCycoONE
Yes the 'reverse mouse control' was not yet finished, it sort of is now though. The same goes for the shooting button
Using the volume buttons to control grenade timer is a nice idea... I might use that though I'd like to keep their original functionality too...
As for using the button available on the screen: I wanted to make an interface which works with as much phones as possible, after that I'll work on making use on the extra such as trackball
the volume buttons are best if left for their original purpose... i want to be able to change the in-game volume if i need to.
as for the trackball, there are many android devices out there, and they come in different button arrangements, the htc has a trackball, samsung has a button, motorola has only capacitive buttons, so i think if the idea is to have a single version for every android phone, the physical buttons should be left out of the question...
if it isn't too difficult, the gyroscope might save some controls... say, if you shake the phone to the right, the grenade time increases and to the left increases... it's just an example.
maybe the sensor could be used for moving the hog, then that would save screen space...
i have a galaxy s2 got the port on the market yesterday, but am unable to get the ammo menu up, i have tried tapping many times but just end up with the hedgehog jumping, some sotrt of button to get the menu up would be good, otherwise everything else is working well..
I think an intuitive way to shoot would be to drag backwards on the hedgehog that is shooting, in the direction opposite of the way it is shooting, and going away from the hog the distance that the power bar goes in the other direction. I know that this seems a bit unclear... but it's the best way to put this.
Dark Spyro
I cannot help you
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