TTV - Doodle Shoppa with theme
Tue, 2011-09-13 21:26
Hey, guys.
I made another shoppa map - Doodle Shoppa with special theme (Desk)
Have fun and please reply with some feedback
Not a bad idea actually, I was wondering if you could turn it into a full theme. The pen needs to go, the water needs fixed, but this could be really cool.
well, the water isn't bugged or something, i made it like that on purpose... i mean, water under a desk? :P
and the pen... i didn't know what else to draw there to be also tall, like a wall...
I thought the water was supposed to be ink or sth. Maybe it still doesn't make much sense, but maybe it doesn't have to. The pen's not a bad idea, but it doesn't really fit the hedgewars style.
why don't you just *cartoonifie* the pen?