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Vatten's picture
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I really missed the mode "teamweapons" from Worms World Party, so i figured out how to add it to HedgeWars.


Per team weapons (Not per hog weapons like in highlander). You select your weapons in a virtual store, each weapon costs "cash" and you start with 100 cash.

Download: (latest)


if you want to then you can try the very experimental executable version of the store. (linux) (windows)

note: It does not exist on mac so far & it consumes 50% cpu, so use it wisely.

Howto install:

1. First download the file from the link above
2. Extract the files teamweapons 1.0xx.lua and teamweapons 1.0xx.cfg and the folder "Store" to:
~/.hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer (Linux)
~/Library/Application Support/Hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer (OSX/Mac)
My Documents/Hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer (Windows)
3. Open the file /Store/index.html (from the folder you currently extracted) with a webbrowser like internet explorer or firefox
4. Set your weapons + other stuff
5. Press the button "generate weaponcode", it will give you a code like "a,123-2,456*hogname".
6. Copy that code. (ctrl+c)
7. Open your favorite team inside hedgewars. Rename the teamname to " (TeamWeapons)", or something similar.
8. Paste the code as the first hogs name (Note: you only have to do it with the first hog, not the teamname or hog 2->8)
9. Save your team (it will create a new team called that, so your old team will have the non-teamweaponish name)
10. Restart Hedgewars (not your computer).
11. play with that team and the style TeamWeapons 1.0xx.
12. Have fun!

NOTE: Dont change your weapons when playing online. It can cause desyncs!

Screenshot of the store:

Older versions:
version A:
version B:
version C:

I don't like sneaky bugs, please report them to me Smile

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

mikade's picture
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Hi. If you're really interested in this mode, why not see if you can set up a frontend implementation that we could include with 0.9.17? That would be cool!

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I really like this idea, and would love to see it properly implemented in the next version! Big Grin
It already works fine, except, although i set my team to have 2 girders only, i always get 4 instead. I don't know why this happens.

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I too was really keen on this idea for a time. If you could do a frontend implementation that would be superb!

Also, you might need to reconsider some of your weapon pricing, but there's plenty time to think about that. [Example: RC plane costs 9 credits (far too little), Cheese costs 7 (far too much)]. How about something like

Mudbomb	    6		Switch		8	DEagle		2	AirAttack	11
Mortar	    2		Invulnerable	4	Vampiric	13	RCPlane		25
Bazooka     2		ExtraTime	4	Molotov		3	Resurrector	9
Grenade	    2		Mine		1	SMine		5	DrillStrike	12
Whip	    1		Drill		6	ExtraDamage	13	Dynamite	14
Seduction   1		SniperRifle	3	Birdy		10	MineStrike	17
Hammer	    1		Girder		8	GasBomb		3	Napalm		10
PickHammer  2		BlowTorch	2	BaseballBat	15	Cake		18
Parachute   2		LaserSight	4	Rope		15	Watermelon	25
LowGravity  8		PortalGun	12	Jetpack		14	HellishBomb	21
FirePunch   2		Bee		10	Teleport	5	Ballgun		25
ClusterBomb 5		Shotgun		3	Flamethrower	4	Kamikaze	7

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Claymore, you do realize that we cant see any of the numbers for the last column right? (at least i can't)

Also, why the heck would mud bomb be 6!?!?

User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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I realise that now, but you can just select it and and paste into notepad if you care that much. Wink Smiley

Mudball is more useful now that it doesn't use up a turn. You can drown a hog and then proceed to kill another.

Star and Moon
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I really like this, I'd love to see it in 9.17. I can see why you put the mudball at six, but that's just a little too high, maybe put it at 5? Wink Smiley

Vatten's picture
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im working on a new version to this mode, based on the html/lua files - so i will update the prices on the weapons, and add missing weapons like kamikaze.
yeah mudball should be higher that 1 (I uploaded this mode at the same day as version 1.16 was released, simply I had no idea about the "new" mudball)

I am trying to build HW now. I will see if I can make this mode built-in HW

thx CheezeMonkey for the bug, it will hopefully be fixed...

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

mikade's picture
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You should log on to IRC and talk to the other devs about implementing the mode into frontend.

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Vatten's picture
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New Version!

Whats new
-added some new weapons
-fixed "girderbug"
-new ui on store
-added store for weak browsers like IE
-new costs


screenshot :

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

shadowzero78's picture
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Awesome. Anyone wanna test it :P ? Big Grin Hellish Hand Grenade


nemo's picture
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People. Could you start aggregating awesome content and packaging it for us? I'd like to give downloadable content a spin...

Packaging is super easy. Just give files a sensible unique name (maybe a version number if it supercedes an old file) and zip up relative to the Data directory.
You can use the existing one we made from the unit22 pack as an example (it is on - that's what shows up in the app)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

doomy's picture
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Nice mode,except you would have to merge scripts to be playable online Annoyed

Vatten's picture
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If you want to play this mode online/LAN, then you will have to share your weaponcodes between eachother. Or else it will crash.

I can tell that im working on a new version.
In the next version everything will be managed on a server; maxcash, weaponcosts, teams and the weaponcodes. If someone is interested to test it, please give me a note.
(I will still support the old-style weaponcode version)

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

Vatten's picture
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this version will allow you to play online!

-New "weaponcode" pattern
-fixed Landgun
-works online
-removed twsettings.lua

How to install:
Copy TeamWeapons.lua and TeamWeapons.cfg to the folder with the other script files for example C:/Program/Hedgewars 0.9.17/share/Hedgewars/Data/Scripts/Multiplayer (windows)
place the store folder somewhere, but open the file index.html inside it. Then set your own weapons.
After that make a new team (recommended) and paste the weaponcode as the first hogs name.
Play and enjoy!

Thanks to hugo111 and shadowzero78 for helping me to test the script

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

shadowzero78's picture
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Very nice to see you have been working on this Kirby Mask!
I think the girder should have a max cap, maybe 4 or 5? Can't wait to play this Big Grin
And thanks for working on this Sleepy Smiley


mikade's picture
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The improved version of this is pretty cool. I still need to play it more, but would suggest that it still needs a couple of balances here and there.

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Very nice!
But: Some prices are comparatively small/high.
And cheating is easy...

Vatten's picture
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New Version!

this version contains a "cheatchecker"

--whats new since version C?--
-new shorter weaponcode system

Store changes:
-Removed "set maxcash" (set to 100)
-Added "set first hogs name"
-Added load weaponcode
-Added load/save to cookie (may not work with some browsers)

Script changes:
-added "cheatchecker"
-improved loadspeed of weaponcodes

weaponcost changes:
-jetpack maxcost changed from 70 to 80
-girder maxcost changed from 40 to 95 and mincost changed from 4 to 5
-extradamage maxcost changed from 100 to 80 and mincost changed from 10 to 8
-extratime maxcost changed from 100 to 999 and mincost changed from 10 to 6
-portalgun maxcost changed from 70 to 100 and mincost changed from 7 to 10
-invurnable maxcost changed from 30 to 40 and mincost changed from 3 to 4

weapontime duration changes:
-portalgun set to 1
-jetpack set to 1
-hellish handgrenade changed from 5 to 4
-pianostrike changed from 5 to 4
-drillstrike changed from 6 to 4
-napalm changed from 6 to 5
-airattack changed from 5 to 4
-rcplane changed from 4 to 5

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

Vatten's picture
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Got bored, made a new mode of this mode...

you will get another teams teamweapons or your own, its random!
its based on TeamWeapons v1.0d so you will need the v1.0d:s Store to play this!


Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

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