Replay View Should Have Controls

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User offline. Last seen 3 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi creators,

i like to record replays, much because of space invasion mode, that is very nice to play and make new highscores, but the classic game itself sometimes can be so surpriseling great that sometimes you want to watch a game a few times again.

And if you like to, you can post in Youtube, and things like that.

But i think i miss control buttons, like go fast, go slow, frame to frame, maybe a timeline... you know, like video controls, to see them the way i want. Specially in Space Invasion, that sometimes is boring and you wanto to go faaaast like 10x times.... and sometimes you'ld like to watch a move that you made very slowww.

So please, do this for the next release, ok? It doesnt look very difficult, right?


sheepluva's picture
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You can currently speed up a Replay by holding down the S key in case you didn't know.

Slowing down isn't currently supported, but a good suggestion
(I personally want auto-slow down in regular games if a lot of action is happening btw.).
Also the time line idea is reasonable...

...but those ideas aren't that new actually, just nobody got around to combat that not-too-small task yet I guess.

Either way I wish you most of fun with the game Smile

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betancourt1's picture
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Yes I very much agree with more advanced controls than to speed up in particular something that can move the video in reverse :3


nemo's picture
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Reverse is not really practical.
You're not watching a video, the game is actually being played back in front of you.
Reversing would require undoing the existing game state. Storing game state checkpoints, even intermediate ones, while possible in theory has not been implemented and is rather complex to do.

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