Hedgewars 0.9.16

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Ravi's picture
User offline. Last seen 13 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi, I just recently upgraded Hedgewars to 0.9.16. I ran from some graphical and audio issues. The game is running too fast and also the audio. I tried to lower the FPS but in vain. Please help me. How can I fix it?

My System Specification:

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64
1 GB Nvidia GT 240 M.

Hope this information will be useful.

Waiting for answers.

Thank You,

coolcat99's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Processor speed,
eg. 2.4GHZ

That helps determine what speed your computer goes at. RAM is no good, graphics card doesn't matter for speed, and the OS makes no difference. If its an XP with 3GHZ, it can go faster than a brand new windows 8 (when released) with 1GHZ

Hi, I'm coolcat99, programmer of the unknown CUBIC MINER
available at my website, http://coolcat99games.x10.mx

seana11's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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coolcat99 allegedly wrote:

Processor speed,
eg. 2.4GHZ

That helps determine what speed your computer goes at. RAM is no good, graphics card doesn't matter for speed, and the OS makes no difference. If its an XP with 3GHZ, it can go faster than a brand new windows 8 (when released) with 1GHZ

Of course, 2 GHZ with linux could beat both (depending on the distro)...

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