To strong?

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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i like nearly all weapons you can use.
And it's fine, they have different power.

But: Melon, Hellish & Ballgun are to strong in proportion to others in my opinion.

Melon -> now 75 Damage + 6 x 75 Dmg
My Suggestion: 20 Dmg + 6 x 50 Dmg
So the flying melons would be more important and attacked hogs get a chance to survive.
Or another idea: Flying melons are affected by wind.

Hellish Handgranate -> now 90 Dmg + 130 fire particles
My Suggestion: 70 Dmg + 70 fire particles in a smaller radius.
Otherwise Handgranate = Autodeath

Ballgun -> now 50 x 50 Dmg
My Suggestion: 30 x 30 Dmg
Ballgun destroyes to much landscape and can kill to much hogs because of his high range/many balls.

To all heavy-weapon-fans: you can change back power in style schemes, if you like. But for all other match-types this weapons are to strong in proportion - in my opinion!

What do you think?

seana11's picture
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Meh, I think the explosives are what makes the game fun. To have your enemies annihilated with a single blast, is one of the best things about hedgewars. I'm always looking for the perfect shot, and these help me achieve them more often. Now, they say there is virtue in moderation, so there are usually limits to the amount of these sort of weapons that you can use. All said and done, who doesn't like explosions?

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Of course explosions are fun! Wink Smiley

But with my suggestions it is more skill, than a sure and simple death - what it is at the moment.
You don't need a perfect shot with melon, ballgun and hellish handgranate.
That's the only thing i don't like that much in this game.

RC Plane is a good example for what i want to say: If you use this weapon perfectly, the hog will die. If you don't, he will survive and have more energie, the more you fail. That's fine!

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The point of these weapons are large explosions. I have to disagree with your accuracy bit with the hand grenade. How is the hand grenade used the most? Someone shoots it to somewhere close, such as a pit/valley-type formation, or lays it next to a hog and jumps away. If it were less powerful, it's use would not change, and people would just get less satisfaction from it. For the watermelon bomb, it's basically a larger red-type grenade. It takes the same skill to get it to explode at the right time, and over the right target. I do admit that the ballgun is unnecessarily powerful, but it is as rare as its power. The only times that you'll likely encounter it, is in a chaos mode game, and a random weapon game. In chaos mode, you obviously want that amount of power, and in random weapon, you must deal with what you get. I can't tell you the amount of times I've gotten a mudball, and the next turn the guy next to me has killed my hog, even if he's got 25 hp left. The ballgun there ads to the unpredictability of the game.

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There's a reason those weapons are not in the default weapon set.
They are, in fact, overpowered super weapons.
If you choose to make/use a weaponset w/ them, that's your own call. It may not be playable however.

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